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Izesekeli nezingxenye zokuphumula ze-BlackBerry Motion

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Shop for I-smartphone yeBlackBerry Motion

Ubuchwepheshe obusha BlackBerry ngokugcwele-touch

Ikhadi elilodwa le-SIM, inkumbulo engu-32 GB yokugcina kanye no-4 GB we-RAM. Isikrini sokuthinta esikhulu esikhulu, ukusebenza okuphezulu kanye nekhwalithi yekhamera, ukwakhiwa kweklasi yokuqala, izinhlelo zokusebenza eziningi ze-Google Play nokuphepha okungapheli.

Shop for I-smartphone yeBlackBerry Motion:

Abavikeli, izembozo, amashaja nezinye izesekeli kanye nezingxenye zokuphumula ze-BlackBerry Motion

Ukuhlomisa i-smartphone yakho ngezesekeli eziwusizo, bhekisa kwimikhiqizo kuleli khasi futhi uzothola konke okudingayo. Ngaphandle kwezingxenyekazi, sinikeza izingxenye ezisele zeBlackBerry Motion, njengezikrini kanye nezikrini zokuthinta, amabhodi wamabhodi, amabhethri. Izingxenye zokungcebeleka ziyisisekelo, siye sazibonakalisa njengomthengisi onokwethenjelwa emhlabeni wonke, kuhlanganise namazwe aseMelika, iYurophu, i-Indonesia ne-Australia.

Jabulela ikhathalogu nokuzuza okuphumelelayo!

Categories of page Izesekeli nezingxenye zokuphumula ze-BlackBerry Motion

Special offers

-46% $85
Buy Ikhadi le-SIM nomnikazi wememori khadi yeBlackBerry Motion
Isetshenziswe ku-BlackBerry Motion ukufaka nokubamba kokubili i-SIM khadi nememori khadi ku-slot. Ukuphumula kwangempela, ukukhiqizwa kweBlackBerry.
-41% $248
Buy Isikrini se-LCD esigcwele seBlackBerry Motion
Isixazululo esihle kakhulu sokulungisa i-smartphone. Zonke izingxenye zisekuqaleni, emhlanganweni: Isikrini se-LCD, isikrini sokuthinta, i-bezel (ingxenye ephakathi), isithwebuli seminwe, izinkinobho ezihlangene, izintambo.
-48% $245
Into esemqoka ye-smartphone, edingekayo ekulungisweni uma kunezinkinga ezinzima kakhulu ngedivayisi.
-45% $126
Buy Umhlangano wokuqala wekhava weBlackBerry Motion
Emhlanganweni ophethe iphaneli eliphezulu. Ukukhiqizwa kweBlackBerry, ikhwalithi yangempela.
-44% $25
Buy Stereo earphone we 3.5mm Stereo earphone ngoba BlackBerry (ikhophi)
izinga Sound kuphezulu, ukubukeka kuyinto izakhamuzi zaseBosnia zifana kakhulu kulokho eqale iyikho.
-43% $21
Buy Original Data-ikhebula le-USB DT Type C BlackBerry
Lokhu ikhebula iza nazo BlackBerry DTEK60. Efanelekayo wonke amadivaysi nge esakhelwe in Uhlobo USB C. Ubude ikhebula ka 1 m.
-26% $31
Buy Ishaja yangempela yodonga ekhuphukile yamanje ye-2000mA
Ishaja ephathekayo ye-QC10UK (QC13UK) ine-2A yamanje futhi ikuvumela ukuthi ukhokhise amadivayisi wesimanje ngokushesha.
-77% $53
Buy I-Gen Gen Mono Headset ye-3.5mm ye-Original Mono Headset ye-BlackBerry
I-version ethuthukisiwe ye-classic mono headset nge-ergonomics esezingeni eliphezulu nokucaciswa kobuchwepheshe. Ukuklama nekhwalithi yeBlackBerry.

Protective sticker


For screen


Buy Umvikeli wesihenqo sokuqala obala (izingcezu ezimbili) zeBlackBerry Motion
Ikhwalithi eveziwe kakhulu evela ku-BlackBerry. Ifilimu enhle, ehlala njalo futhi ebonakalayo evulekile ukuvikela isibuko kusuka emanxebeni nasekuthungeni.

Protective sticker → For screen → Protective tempered glass

Buy I-glass-glass glass-protective IMAK 9H yeskrini BlackBerry Motion
I-Glass ye-glass-proprietary ye-high quality ye-IMAK 9H inezici ezinhle kakhulu futhi izovikela ngokuqiniseka isikrini se-BlackBerry Motion yakho ngisho nokulimala okukhulu.
Buy Umvikeli wesikrini weBlackBerry Motion
Le "ingilazi engaphezulu" i-BlackBerry Motion, ukumelana nomthelela, okuzobhekana nokukhwabanisa okuqinile nokushayisana. Izinto eziqinile, ezinomsoco neziqinile.

Case and its accessories


Silicone case

Buy I-Brand IMAK Silky Case Case Abicah for BlackBerry Motion
Ikhwalithi ephakeme, isitayela futhi imnandi kakhulu kwiphepha lokuthinta. Ukuvikelwa okuhle ngokumelene nomonakalo. Umvikeli wesikrini ufakiwe.



Standard capacity

Buy Ibhethri yangempela TLp038B1 yeBlackBerry Motion
Kufanelekile ukufaka ibhethri elingalungile noma ibhethri ngesitoreji esivele sikhathele. Ibhethri yangempela iphezulu yekhwalithi ephezulu kanye nokusebenza kwesikhathi eside. 4000 mAh

Spare part


Housing and its parts

Housing parts


Buy Ipaneli ephezulu nge-NFC i-antenna yeBlackBerry Motion
I-antenna ye-NFC ye-BlackBerry Motion inikeza ukuqaliswa kokuxhumana kwe-NFC kwi-smartphone.

Spare part → Housing and its parts → Housing parts → Battery (back) cover

-45% $126
Buy Umhlangano wokuqala wekhava weBlackBerry Motion
Emhlanganweni ophethe iphaneli eliphezulu. Ukukhiqizwa kweBlackBerry, ikhwalithi yangempela.

Spare part → Antenna

Buy I-Antenna yeBlackBerry Motion
I-Antenna ifakwe phezulu kwecala.

Spare part → Speaker

Buy Ifoni yefoni (iSomlomophone) T24 yeBlackBerry Motion
Iveza izwi le-interlocutor yakho phakathi kwengxoxo. Izingxenye zekhwalithi zangempela eziphezulu.

Spare part → Camera

Buy Ikhamera yangaphambili T34 yeBlackBerry Motion
Ikhamera yangaphambili isinqumo se-MPi 8. Ingxenye yokuqala yokuphumula.
Buy Ikhamera enkulu T33 yeBlackBerry Motion
Ikhamera enkulu (yangemuva) yeBlackBerry Motion. Ingxenye yokuqala yokuphumula.

Spare part → Microphone

Buy Isixhumi se-Microphone ye-BlackBerry Motion
Isetshenziselwa ukucindezela umsindo nokuthuthukisa ikhwalithi yokuxhumana.

Spare part → USB connector

Buy Isixhumi se-USB (Isixhumi soxhumene naye) T19 nge-microchip ene-vibration motor ye-BlackBerry Motion
Isixhumi sokuqala sokuxhuma amashaja namakhodi e-BlackBerry Motion. On microcircuit nge motor vibration kanye nezinye izakhi.

Spare part → Screen in assembly

-41% $248
Buy Isikrini se-LCD esigcwele seBlackBerry Motion
Isixazululo esihle kakhulu sokulungisa i-smartphone. Zonke izingxenye zisekuqaleni, emhlanganweni: Isikrini se-LCD, isikrini sokuthinta, i-bezel (ingxenye ephakathi), isithwebuli seminwe, izinkinobho ezihlangene, izintambo.

Spare part → PCB or integrated circuit

Audio PCB

Buy Umhlangano we-microchip we-audio jack nomakrofoni we-BlackBerry Motion
Kufaka i-3.5mm audio audio kanye nemakrofoni esemqoka.

Spare part → PCB or integrated circuit → Integrating

Ribbon cable

Buy Ikhebula le-Mainboard ye-BlackBerry Motion
Ikhebula elixhuma i-motherboard ne-USB chip ye-smartphone Motion.

Spare part → PCB or integrated circuit → Motherboard

-48% $245
Into esemqoka ye-smartphone, edingekayo ekulungisweni uma kunezinkinga ezinzima kakhulu ngedivayisi.

Spare part → SIM-card holder

-46% $85
Buy Ikhadi le-SIM nomnikazi wememori khadi yeBlackBerry Motion
Isetshenziswe ku-BlackBerry Motion ukufaka nokubamba kokubili i-SIM khadi nememori khadi ku-slot. Ukuphumula kwangempela, ukukhiqizwa kweBlackBerry.

Headset and its accessories


Memory card


Media device


Charger and its accessories


Cable, adapter or switch


