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I-bezel yangempela ene-mount ye-BlackBerry 9220 Curve

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I-bezel yangempela ene-mount ye-BlackBerry 9220 Curve
Ingaphambili, ingxenye emele kakhulu yecala, nguye onquma ukubukeka kwe-smartphone: ubunono, isitayela kanye nomklamo. Ngokufaka entsha esikhundleni se-bezel egugile, ngeke nje uvuselele i-BlackBerry yakho, kodwa futhi ukhiphe ukukhuluma okuxakayo kwama-opharetha angaphandle! Ikhiqizwa ngu-BlackBerry.

I-bezel yasekuqaleni (iphaneli yangaphambili) ye-BlackBerry 9220 ingaphambili, ingxenye emele kakhulu yecala, yiyona enquma ukubukeka kwe-smartphone: ubunono, isitayela kanye nomklamo. Ngokufaka entsha esikhundleni se-bezel egugile, ngeke nje uvuselele i-BlackBerry yakho, kodwa futhi ukhiphe ukukhuluma okuxakayo kwabaqhubi bakwamanye amazwe! Leli bhande lekhanda lakhiwe yi-BlackBerry, okuyisiqinisekiso sekhwalithi.

Irimu ye-— iyinxenye eyisipele evame ukushintshwa ye-BlackBerry. Ukushintsha i-bezel ye-— kuwumsebenzi owenziwa ochwepheshe bethu “ngaso leso sikhathi”, futhi ngeke kudingeke ukuthi uhlukane nedivayisi isikhathi eside. Funda kabanzi ekhasini le-Njengoba ezothatha isikhundla usebe.

Kuleli khasi, i-bezel ingeye-9220 kuphela, ehambisana nokuma nendawo yezingxenye ezincane. Ingabe unayo i-9320/9315/9310? Nakhu :) → Usebe original ngaphandle logo opharetha ukukhweza i-BlackBerry 9320 Ijika.

Specifications and properties of the product

Price:  $10

I-bezel yangempela ene-mount ye-BlackBerry 9220 Curve

Product variants and codes:

  • Mnyama 9220BEZEL-O-BK
  • Emhlophe 9220BEZEL-O-WT

This product fits the BlackBerry models:

  • BlackBerry 9220