Plastic Case Sky Touch Hard Shell for BlackBerry 9360 / 9370 Curve
Classic cover plastic. Lokho kuyokwenza ezikufanelayo uma ufuna ukuvikela smartphone yakho, kodwa awudingi izithombe elikhanyayo. Ifomu ikhava Factor-body: liqukethe lid kanye usebe, banamathele nomunye. Inzuzo Undoubted yalolu hlobo cover wukuthi nje kuphela livikela emuva, kodwa futhi futhi norovyaschie emibi engele kanye usebe. Cutouts ukuze zonke izingxenye zawo functional anikezwa. Leli cala limnandi kakhulu touch, matte ukuthungwa unikeza banomuzwa elithambile ethintekayo. Ungakwazi uthinte it njengoba ufuna, ngeke abashiye izigxivizo zeminwe! I impahla epulasitiki mncane futhi ukukhanya.
izinga Brand nomkhiqizi US Sky Touch / Carryying Solutions liqinisekisa ukuthi amboze ncamashi kuhambisana yakho BlackBerry 9360 / 9370 Curve, futhi ihlale isikhathi eside.
Specifications and properties of the product
- Quality and function: brand name
- Materials and fabric: plastic
- Appearance, image and texture: plain colored, matte
- Product type: Case and its accessories → Housin case (two parts)
FS-BB9360-RBKUSD28 |
Price: $28
![]() Product variants and codes:
This product fits the BlackBerry models: