- Quality and function: manufacturer unknown
- Materials and fabric: fake leather, plastic
- Appearance, image and texture: plain colored, fine texture
- Product type: Case and its accessories → Vertical flip case
Isikhumba icala isembozo ukuvulwa mpo ngoba BlackBerry 9360 / 9370 Curve
Ikhava ifreyimu mpo cover ukuvulwa ngoba BlackBerry 9360 / 9370 Curve eyenziwe ngepulasitiki eqinile futhi inikeza ukuvikelwa okwengeziwe kanye nendawo ekahle ifoni, kanti ingxenye ezithambile engaphakathi lid evimbela imihuzuko esibukweni bese ithambisa igalelo ekwindla. Amathuba amatheku (Audio, Amakhamera, USB) inikeza ukufinyelela okusheshayo kuzo, ungakwazi, isibonelo, ulalele umculo, ngaphandle kokuba ukukhipha ikhava. Luhlakasimo isembozo mpo Kuyinto elula kakhulu: ukuze lusebenze ukusizakala smartphone yakho, uvule ikhava ngokwanele.
Ngenxa sleek design lesikhumba icala nge lid zibheka okuqala ukuze BlackBerry 9360 / 9370 Curve has a ukubukeka ehloniphekile futhi sigcwalisa ngokuphelele smartphone yakho. Yanikeza ezimbili yencwajana ukuthungwa: bushelelezi futhi matt Classic ezinkulu, ngoba imininingwane, bheka isithombe.
Specifications and properties of the product
- Quality and function: manufacturer unknown
- Materials and fabric: fake leather, plastic
- Appearance, image and texture: plain colored, with large texture
- Product type: Case and its accessories → Vertical flip case
![]() Product variants and codes:
This product fits the BlackBerry models: