Corporate icala ruggedized OtterBox iCommuter Series Case for BlackBerry 9360 / 9370 Curve
Case Corporate ruggedized OtterBox iCommuter Series Case for BlackBerry 9360 / 9370 Curve kakhulu thembeke ukuvikela BlackBerry yakho emathonyeni ezingezinhle zangaphandle ezihlukahlukene: ukungcola, uthuli, umswakama, imihuzuko kanye uhlevane. Case siqukethe izingxenye ezimbili zokuphepha: obukhulu abicah base, eliyifanela phezu plastic luhlaka esiqinile. laqanjwa okunjalo cover inikeza eliphakeme ukuvikelwa ekwindla, ngoba plastic inikeza umthelela ukumelana, futhi abicah is kakhulu inhlabathi ziyayinciphisa umthelela ongemuhle efonini.
Uma usebenzisa i-cover ikhibhodi screen zingavuiwa, okuvumela ukuba usebenzise smartphone yakho ngendlela evamile. Ngaphezu kwalokho, ngo icala izimbobo ivikelelwa zonke izimbobo: port siphetha abicah ipulaki linamathele ivuleke, futhi, uma kunesidingo, kungaba lula ukuvula. Ukuvikelwa port okunjalo kuvimbela uthuli, umswakama kanye netintfo ezincane, kodwa inikeza lula nesivinini operation nedivaysi.
Case Corporate ruggedized OtterBox iCommuter Series Case for BlackBerry 9360 / 9370 Curve ovelele ukubukeka omele: esiqinile, universal black OtterBox logo ngemuva, lokhu kwenzeka kahle sigcwalisa ifoni yakho futhi ngeke uhambe kahle iyiphi isitayela.
Screen umvikeli wawuhlanganisa.
Specifications and properties of the product
- Quality and function: premium, brand name, case bundle includes protective sticker
- Materials and fabric: plastic, silicone (rubber)
- Appearance, image and texture: plain colored, matte
- Product type: Case and its accessories → Ruggedized
Product code: RBB4-CRV93-20-E4OTR
![]() This product fits the BlackBerry models: