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Corporate Plastic holster Case + Wireless Solutions holster Snap-On Combo for BlackBerry 9800 / 9810 Torch

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Corporate Plastic holster Case + Wireless Solutions holster Snap-On Combo for BlackBerry 9800 / 9810 Torch
Excellent ukuvikela smartphone yakho kuzo zonke izinhlangothi. Easy ukusebenzisa, eziqinile futhi isikhathi eside. Izingxenye ahlotshiswe in besenze nesitayela esifanako kanye ngokuphelele bavumelane nomunye.

Corporate Plastic holster Case + Wireless Solutions holster Snap-On Combo for BlackBerry 9800 / 9810 Torch inezingxenye ezimbili, ngakho ngokuphelele ukuvikela smartphone yakho kuzo zonke izinhlangothi. Bobabili izingxenye zenziwa ephezulu grade plastic, oqinisekisa amandla futhi ihlala isikhathi eside.

Ungasebenzisa cover njengoba isesekeli ehlukile, futhi nge holster. Ikhava ine amathuba zonke izimbobo, ikhamera, eziseceleni, isibuko uhlala ukufinyelela evulekile, ngokukhululeka phambili isinciphisi. Cover ifakwe phambi ingxenye yalesi olwengeziwe lokuvikela — rim futhi kungabonakali yokulimala ekwakhiweni ngaphandle kulona, ​​uma ikhona. Cover mncane futhi ukukhanya, nge esincane futhi kufanelekile omkhulu.

I holster yenzelwe ngqo kudivayisi ecaleni, uma sicabangela umthamo yayo kanye ukumisa. Ukusebenzisa kulula: nje abeke smartphone yakho ngendlela cover at phezulu holster bese uphonsa phansi. Uhlangothi iphansi ukukhweza ngokuphephile kubuyise yocingo holster, Velvety Indwangu ngaphakathi ukuvimbela imihuzuko kanye imihuzuko esibukweni. On ngaphandle holster has a isiqeshana evumela ukuthi wena ukuba unamathisele smartphone ibhande noma isikhwama ukuthi Liyindawo elula: ungakwazi bawuthwale nawe futhi ukuxhumana, kuyilapho izandla zakho uhlale ukhululekile. Ngenxa uphiko yayo obusebenzayo, lo holster liphinde livikele kudivayisi yakho ekuweni ngephutha.

Izingxenye kwekhithi Wireless Solutions holster Snap-On Combo umphelelisi nomunye ngokuphelele: Case-ikhava holster in besenze nesitayela esifanako, futhi uma egqoke kwabo ngesikhathi esifanayo, bheka yinye. Esiwusizo surface ribbed, kwahambisana ngumuntu nice matte ukuthungwa ngeke abashiye iminwe kanye imihuzuko ezincane.

Specifications and properties of the product

Price:  $29
Product code: 9800HCCASE-WS-BK (HOLPCC2P9810DL)

Corporate Plastic holster Case + Wireless Solutions holster Snap-On Combo for BlackBerry 9800 / 9810 Torch

This product fits the BlackBerry models:

  • BlackBerry 9810
  • BlackBerry 9800