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Upper ikhibhodi BlackBerry 9800 / 9810 Torch

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Upper ikhibhodi BlackBerry 9800 / 9810 Torch
Inketho best for esikhundleni bakhathale ikhibhodi engenhla. 100% OEM ehambisanayo ngisho nesicelo emamaki — kwangempela spare okuyingxenye, okuyinto ifakwe smartphone emhlanganweni.

Upper ikhibhodi BlackBerry 9800 / 9810 Torch — ingxenye engaphandle ye yomzimba enikezwe inkinobho call, imenyu, ukubuya futhi ukwesulwa ucingo. Enye yezinto izingxenye upotrebimykh kakhulu, yingakho emva kwesikhashana ngokuvamile emibi futhi swe, futhi kungaba konakalisa ukubukeka impumelelo smartphone. Ukusebenzisa ikhibhodi original engenhla ukuba esikhundleni owodwa ubudala, ungaqiniseka of 100% ukuhambisana kanye nezinga amamaki, kungcono ncamashi spare efanayo, njengoba kwakungekho ocingweni ngaphambi!

Lokhu spare Ingxenye kuphela ingxenye yomzimba elingaphandle, umsebenzi njengoba ngokucindezela ucingo ukwamukela bese ukhansela izinkinobho, imenyu babuye nokobana Ikhiphedi kwedivayisi kwamanethiwekhi BlackBerry 9800 / 9810 Torch.

Yanikeza izinguqulo ezimbili: black and white, bheka gallery photo.

Specifications and properties of the product

Price:  $5

Upper ikhibhodi BlackBerry 9800 / 9810 Torch

Product variants and codes:

  • black 9800KEYB-TOP-BK
  • white 9800KEYB-TOP-WT

This product fits the BlackBerry models:

  • BlackBerry 9810
  • BlackBerry 9800