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The okukhethekile lesikhumba cala kuvula zibheka Pro-Tec Isikhumba Black Case for BlackBerry 9900 / 9930 Bold Touch

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The okukhethekile lesikhumba cala kuvula zibheka Pro-Tec Isikhumba Black Case for BlackBerry 9900 / 9930 Bold Touch
cover design ivumela ukumboza cishe zonke ebusweni smartphone, ngaleyo ndlela ukuvikela it kusuka ukungcola kanye nomonakalo. Kulula kakhulu ukusebenzisa. accessory ye Solid kulabo bayakwazisa isitayela kanye quality. Le filimu zokuzivikela kuqedile.

Isesekeli ukuvikelwa enokwethenjelwa kakhulu for smartphone yakho. cover design ivumela ukumboza cishe zonke ebusweni smartphone, ngaleyo ndlela awuvikele uhlevane, imihuzuko, ukungcola, uthuli. Kulula kakhulu ukusebenzisa.

Ngaphakathi the cover kukhona plastic luhlaka esiqinile, okuyinto eseduze ingaphakathi unit, futhi inikeza isivikelo phezu bonke ubuso ezingemuva futhi izinhlangothi. Side izinkinobho embozwe ifaka injoloba, okuyinto bazivikele othulini ezincane izinto, kodwa ungagxambukeli touch. Amathuba emachwebeni, ikhamera bese flash, isikhulumi kuyokusiza ukuba usebenzise smartphone yakho ngaphandle balikhipha nasezinguqulweni icala. Ukuze nekuvula ematfuba etindlela tekutfola isikrini bese ikhibhodi, magnetic ngokwanele ukuhlehlisa inkinobho bese Songa ikhava.

Cover uhluke ukubukeka nesithunzi: black olukhuni kulekelelwa ezingafani uthunge, ingaphakathi esihlabathini anemibala kwakha inhlanganisela stylish of c bangaphandle, futhi ukuthungwa smooth and soft kwesikhumba phezu bonke ubuso cover ngalokunele uqeda isithombe. Pro-Tec Isikhumba Black Case — accessory ye esiqinile kulabo bayakwazisa isitayela kanye quality.

Complete nge cover ifilimu esobala evumela ukuthi wena ukuba ngokuphephile ukuvikela isihenqo efonini yakho evela imihuzuko udoti.

Specifications and properties of the product

  • Quality and function: premium, brand name, case bundle includes protective sticker
  • Materials and fabric: genuine leather, plastic
  • Appearance, image and texture: plain colored, fine texture
  • Product type:
Price:  $51
Product code: PEBB9900BK

The okukhethekile lesikhumba cala kuvula zibheka Pro-Tec Isikhumba Black Case for BlackBerry 9900 / 9930 Bold Touch

This product fits the BlackBerry models:

  • BlackBerry 9930
  • BlackBerry 9900