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ikhava Firm epulasitiki, ikhava Incipio Feather Protection BlackBerry 9900 / 9930 Bold Touch

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ikhava Firm epulasitiki, ikhava Incipio Feather Protection BlackBerry 9900 / 9930 Bold Touch
Uphaphe — ekukhanyeni njengoba uphaphe! Ultra-mncane, kanti ngesikhathi esifanayo, indaba MPE-quality. design Laconic, ezinombala ofanayo imibala: ophelele nganoma yisiphi isithombe. Senziwa ifilimu zokuzivikela.

ikhava Firm epulasitiki, ikhava Incipio Feather Protection BlackBerry 9900 / 9930 Bold Touch senziwa a engasindi, ultra-mncane futhi ngesikhathi esifanayo superprochnogo impahla. It thembeke ivikela BlackBerry yakho kusuka ezingezinhle namathonya zangaphandle (umthelela, imihuzuko, ukungcola), hhayi enezela eliphakeme kakhulu nesisindo umshini wakho.

Ngenxa indaba esiyingqayizivele, ikhava ukushuba kuyinto — incane kakhulu esingaphansi 1 mm! Lokhu kusho ukuthi Lifanele smartphone yakho, futhi, ngesikhathi esifanayo cishe ezingabonakali, amvikele. design Laconic futhi Izinketho zemibala ehlukahlukene plastic ezinkampani amboze Incipio Feather Nesivikelo BlackBerry 9900 / 9930 Bold Thinta kahle kakhulu yisiphi isithombe. Math ukuthungwa.

Complete nge cover kuyinto esobala ifilimu zokuzivikela for the screen.

Specifications and properties of the product

  • Quality and function: premium, brand name, case bundle includes protective sticker
  • Materials and fabric: plastic, the cloth
  • Appearance, image and texture: plain colored, matte
  • Product type:
Price:  $15

ikhava Firm epulasitiki, ikhava Incipio Feather Protection BlackBerry 9900 / 9930 Bold Touch
ikhava Firm epulasitiki, ikhava Incipio Feather Protection BlackBerry 9900 / 9930 Bold Touch

Product variants and codes:

  • Black (Black) BB-300
  • Ekhazimulayo White (Iridescent White) BB-304
  • oluluhlaza ekhazimulayo (Iridescent Turquoise) BB-303
  • Burgundy ekhazimulayo (Iridescent Okumpunga okumnyama) BB-302
  • Pink (Pink) BB-301

This product fits the BlackBerry models:

  • BlackBerry 9930
  • BlackBerry 9900