- Quality and function: manufacturer unknown, case inludes magnet
- Materials and fabric: genuine or fake leather, the cloth, steel
- Appearance, image and texture: plain colored, with large texture
- Product type: Case and its accessories → Pocket case
Isikhumba Case-pocket BlackBerry 9900 / 9930/9720
Laconic accessory ye essentials: Case-pocket. ihlanganisa cishe ngokuphelele smartphone, nxazonke ukuze awuvikele. Uma asuse ifoni ngokushelela ukuze ukudlulisa ngokusebenzisa phambi esimfushane nezicubu ezintekenteke ngaphakathi. Usekela magnetic umsebenzi BlackBerry: ngokushesha njengoba idivayisi ngaphakathi esembozweni, isikrini likhala, futhi ikhibhodi ikhiyiwe — esinikezayo Ukonga okukhulu kwamandla ebhethri bese evimbela ngephutha ngokucindezela.
Leli cala — ehlukile engabizi kuya holster original, ephaketheni, wenza umkhiqizi third-party. Kusukela nesembozo analog, kunezindlela eziningi, sikhetha izinga version kakhulu kuwe. Ekhasini ubala ongakhetha eziningana nomehluko omncane imininingwane: ukuthungwa impahla surface kanye logo. Bheka gallery bese ukhethe inketho yakho.
Specifications and properties of the product
- Quality and function: manufacturer unknown, case inludes magnet
- Materials and fabric: genuine or fake leather, plastic, the cloth
- Appearance, image and texture: plain colored, with large texture
- Product type: Case and its accessories → Pocket case
- Quality and function: copy of original, case inludes magnet
- Materials and fabric: genuine or fake leather, plastic, the cloth
- Appearance, image and texture: plain colored, fine texture
- Product type: Case and its accessories → Pocket case
- Quality and function: copy of original, case inludes magnet
- Materials and fabric: genuine or fake leather, plastic, the cloth
- Appearance, image and texture: plain colored, fine texture
- Product type: Case and its accessories → Pocket case
Price: $30
Product variants and codes:
This product fits the BlackBerry models: