在触控板BlackBerry 9900 / 9930 Bold触摸的支持
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在触控板BlackBerry 9900 / 9930 Bold触摸的支持
触控板(触控板)HDW-38608-001 *适用于BlackBerry 9900 / 9930/9850/9860附加到键盘。这是身体的原始的部分:这种衬底触控板下安装起初,组装电话时。
- 9900TRPUI-9900 —为BlackBerry 9900,舌头短
- 9900TRPUI-9930 —为BlackBerry 9930,用长长的舌头
Specifications and properties of the product
- Quality and function: genuine (authentic)
- Materials and fabric: plastic
- Product type: Spare part → The trackball, trackpad, or their parts → Parts → Fixing for trackball / trackpad
9900TRPUI-9900USD1 9900TRPUI-9900USD1 |
: $1 Product variants and codes:
9900TRPUI-9930 this product fits the BlackBerry models:
9900TRPUI-9900 this product fits the BlackBerry models: