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set Corporate of esobala films zokuzivikela for the screen kanye nezezindlu BodyGuardz Skin Avikelayo (2 amasethi) for BlackBerry 9850 / 9860 Torch

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set Corporate of esobala films zokuzivikela for the screen kanye nezezindlu BodyGuardz Skin Avikelayo (2 amasethi) for BlackBerry 9850 / 9860 Torch
— mncane, nokunwebeka, self-ingcina ifilimu ukuvikela isibuko kanye nezindlu, okuyinto has izici Amazing: ukumelana layo lokukwazi uyakwazi ukuvikela ucingo imihuzuko emibi kakhulu futhi umonakalo!

Babelibiza ifilimu zokuzivikela for the screen kanye nezezindlu BodyGuardz Skin zokuzivikela for BlackBerry 9850 / 9860 Torch — uguquko lwangempela! It is a nomzimba omncane, nezimo, ifilimu self-ingcina ukuze avikele screen kanye nezindlu, okuyinto has izici Amazing: ukumelana layo lokukwazi uyakwazi ukuvikela ucingo imihuzuko emibi kakhulu futhi umonakalo! amandla Its akutholakali ubangelwa iqiniso lokuthi ukukhiqizwa yayo isebenzisa ukwaziswa okufanayo njengoba ukuvikelwa imoto somoya ngokumelene ingress izinto eziqinile (isib amatshe).

Le filimu ngokukhethekile eyenzelwe BlackBerry 9850 / 9860 Torch ikhumbula nomklamo walo futhi shape: basibekele zonke evele zangaphandle ngokuphelele kufanelana ngisho izingxenye ezincane kakhulu ze- ifoni. Lena ukufinyelela evulekile zonke izimbobo futhi ikhibhodi evumela ukuthi wena ukusebenza ucingo ngendlela evamile.
With zonke izakhiwo eziyingqayizivele ifilimu has a ukushuba ubuncane elenza kube cishe ezingabonakali futhi ikuvumela ukuba ugcine zonke izinga sangaphandle BlackBerry 9850 yakho / 9860 Torch.

Senziwa 2 amaqoqo films zokuzivikela.

Sticker zokuzivikela ifilimu — hhayi obangela ezimnandi ngisho onguchwepheshe. Ukuze enze inqubo, kufanele ukhambisane nayo ubuchwepheshe: ukuze alungiselele izimo ezifanele ukusebenzisa uketshezi ekhethekile nekhadi uyisuse. Uma ungazizwa amandla okubhekana nale msebenzi, sicela uxhumane ongoti bethu: Sticker ifilimu zokuzivikela esibukweni futhi izindlu.

Specifications and properties of the product

Price:  $1
Product code: BZ-BB98-0811

set Corporate of esobala films zokuzivikela for the screen kanye nezezindlu BodyGuardz Skin Avikelayo (2 amasethi) for BlackBerry 9850 / 9860 Torch

This product fits the BlackBerry models:

  • BlackBerry 9860
  • BlackBerry 9850