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Isiqhebezo ikhava yebhethri (Battery clip) for BlackBerry 9850 / 9860 Torch

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Isiqhebezo ikhava yebhethri (Battery clip) for BlackBerry 9850 / 9860 Torch
Ebambe efakwe esembozweni smartphone yebhethri. Original spare ukukhiqizwa BlackBerry — wokuqinisekisa ikhwalithi.

Lokhu kugcina spare okuyingxenye efakwe esembozweni smartphone yebhethri. Isiqhebezo inezingxenye ezimbili, ukuvulwa kanye yasibamba izinkinobho iyingxenye ingxenye maphakathi izindlu .

Efanelekayo ukususwa igugile noma isiqhebezo okuyiphutha ukuze uthuthukise ukubukeka.

Original spare ukukhiqizwa BlackBerry — wokuqinisekisa ikhwalithi.

Specifications and properties of the product

Price:  $5
Product code: 9860BL

Isiqhebezo ikhava yebhethri (Battery clip) for BlackBerry 9850 / 9860 Torch

This product fits the BlackBerry models:

  • BlackBerry 9860
  • BlackBerry 9850