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Isignesha Isikhumba Ifolda Ikesi Stand Case-Mate Venture Case for BlackBerry Playbook

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Isignesha Isikhumba Ifolda Ikesi Stand Case-Mate Venture Case for BlackBerry Playbook
A isesekeli stylish kusukela Case-Mate graphite umbala nge ukuthungwa ekhangayo futhi esiwusizo kakhulu. Ukuma esakhelwe ngaphakathi.

Venture Case graphite grey — njengoba accessory ye njalo stylish kusukela Case-Mate. The izici zayo waleli cala — aminyene kakhulu, ukuthungwa ezinzima impumuzo ephithizelayo. Kubukeka ekhangayo futhi ngesikhathi esifanayo iyona esiwusizo kakhulu: phezu iminwe futhi amabala ngeke ngimbone okwesikhathi eside waphawuleka imihuzuko ezincane kanye imihuzuko, kulula yesula ukungcola kanye dusts.

Ngaphakathi the cover kukhona "Uhlaka", sizikhandle futhi ngokuphephile ukulungisa plate, kodwa hhayi ukuvala emachwebeni efanayo, izinkinobho kanye nekhamera, ukuvumela ukuba bazisebenzise ngendlela evamile. Zonke yangaphakathi okuyingxenye limbozwa ngendwangu elithambile a shades ambalwa alula kakhulu ukwedlula iningi of umbala efanayo lokwenza Faka encane ngaphandle. Ikhava eqondiswa inkinobho umthombo eduze, ivikela ama-screen.

Cover ifakwe ukuma, nakuba efika kuqala ukuthi wena angaqonda, ngoba kungcono mncane kangaka! Stand Yenziwe emuva: bamane phinda it poshvu futhi ikhava nokusetshenziswa njengesisekelo design. Yima — Ngaphezu ezibalulekile tablet, kungcono ngokuyinhloko yemidiya.

Case-Mate — aqine okwase kuyisikhathi eside kwaziwa futhi ethandwa emakethe izesekeli ubuchwepheshe mobile. Ukukhetha inkampani icala odumile, oyinikezayo umkhiqizo wakho worthy of ukunakekelwa.

Specifications and properties of the product

  • Quality and function: premium, brand name
  • Materials and fabric: genuine or fake leather, the cloth
  • Appearance, image and texture: plain colored, raised parts, matte
  • Product type:
Price:  $7
Product code: CM013378

Isignesha Isikhumba Ifolda Ikesi Stand Case-Mate Venture Case for BlackBerry Playbook

This product fits the BlackBerry models:

  • BlackBerry PlayBook