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Original Isikhumba Case "Envelope" Isikhumba Envelope for BlackBerry Playbook

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Original Isikhumba Case "Envelope" Isikhumba Envelope for BlackBerry Playbook
I nenhle "imvilophu" of BlackBerry lesikhumba, yakhelwe ngqo Playbook. Premium-grade, efanelekayo izimo olindele kunazo. It isekela umsebenzi magnetic. okunamathiselwe Excellent, hhayi kuphela plate wakho, kodwa futhi ngesitayela.

I nenhle "imvilophu" of BlackBerry lesikhumba, yakhelwe ngqo Playbook. Maximum uvikela ithebhulethi bevela kuzo zonke izinhlangothi kusukela imihuzuko, scuffs, uhlevane, uthuli umswakama bengena emachwebeni izinto ezincane. design enkulu, omuhle kakhulu izinga abushelelezi isikhumba ukuthungwa, futhi yokukhiqiza kuhle kwenze kube imfuneko isesekeli, efanelekayo olindele kakhulu ukubukeka isimo. Solid, negama futhi isikhathi eside — utshalomali omuhle hhayi kuphela yayo Playbook, kodwa ngo unendlela yakhe.

Ukuze usebenzise le khava Kunjengoba elula njengoba cover-ephaketheni: ithebhulethi ufakwa futhi iya, uma kudingekile. Engxenyeni engaphakathi wenziwe izindwangu ezintekenteke ngamaphetheni ezithakazelisayo. Cover "imvilophu," ivaliwe on kukazibuthe.

Lasther Envelope ifakwe auto-Ilokhi. Once Playbook ngaphakathi, isibuko uya blank, futhi touch-screen leyo ndawo ilahlekelwa uzwela: ngephutha agxishiwe Kulezo zimo ekhishwe inyumbazane. Ngaphezu kwalokho, ngokuphawulekayo Ukulondoloza amandla ebhethri, okuyinto ebaluleke for idivayisi tablet nge — okusezingeni abezindaba umthwalo.

Specifications and properties of the product

Price:  $58  $10

Original Isikhumba Case "Envelope" Isikhumba Envelope for BlackBerry Playbook

Product variants and codes:

  • Black (Black) ACC-39317-301
  • Purple (Purple) ACC-39317-302

This product fits the BlackBerry models:

  • BlackBerry PlayBook