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Sokumvikela Ifilimu antiglare BlackBerry Playbook

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Sokumvikela Ifilimu antiglare BlackBerry Playbook
Ukuze uvikeleke screen BlackBerry Playbook kubaluleke kakhulu, ngoba lisekelwe phezu kwalo umthwalo main functional. Nakekela tablet yakho, unama ifilimu — kuyoba izinsuku zayo futhi ugcine bheka ephelele! Ekhasini emelelwa matte ifilimu kuthakwe ukuvikelwa anti-ukubenyezela: nalo ngeke wesabe kokufiphala ayeveza evela kunoma yimuphi umthombo!

BlackBerry Playbook — uthinte idivayisi screen enkulu kakhulu. Ngaphandle eziseceleni, okuyinto kufanele basebenzise hhayi kaningi, kungashiwo ukuthi wonke umthwalo functional ewela zintekenteke ingxenye — touch-screen and screen. Ukuze silondoloze ukubukeka ephelele kanye nokusebenza onokwethenjelwa screen tablet for ukuvikelwa eyengeziwe, okuyinto kuyoba yinto enhle kakhulu film ekhethekile. Nakekela yakho Playbook, anamathele the ifilimu zokuzivikela ngezinsuku zokuqala kokusebenzisa idivayisi, futhi kuyoba eside nenkathazo-free ukukukhonza! Ukwehla yamabhayisikobho Kulula ukushintsha, ngezinye izikhathi lula futhi singabizi, ukwedlula ukushintsha screen touch emibi noma ephukile screen.

Leli khasi ikhombisa ifilimu antiglare esivikela nje kuphela imihuzuko, ukungcola kanye shock, kodwa futhi ukukhanya okukhanya ayeveza kuyo yonke imithombo. Le filimu has a ukushuba ubuncane notch oyifunayo matte ezimnandi ngaphandle, linobukhulu obufanele. It akuphazamisi ukukhanya image kanye nozwela touch-screen. It engashiyi zinsalela ziyavezwa emva uyaxebuka.

Sticker zokuzivikela ifilimu — hhayi obangela ezimnandi ngisho onguchwepheshe. Ukuze enze inqubo, kufanele ukhambisane nayo ubuchwepheshe: ukuze alungiselele izimo ezifanele ukusebenzisa uketshezi ekhethekile nekhadi uyisuse. Uma ungazizwa amandla okubhekana nale msebenzi, sicela uxhumane ongoti bethu: Ilebula we ifilimu zokuzivikela esikrinini.

Specifications and properties of the product

Price:  $6
Product code: PB-SCRPROT-A

Sokumvikela Ifilimu antiglare BlackBerry Playbook

This product fits the BlackBerry models:

  • BlackBerry PlayBook