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Babelibiza Nillkin uMvikeli screen isikrini ukuze BlackBerry Q10

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Babelibiza Nillkin uMvikeli screen isikrini ukuze BlackBerry Q10
It has omuhle umgoqo izindawo. Izacile futhi nezimo, ethe njo kalula. Wethulwa izinguqulo ezimbili: ecacile futhi anti-glare. izinga Brand Nillkin.

Ukuze womshini nokuphathelene ifilimu zokuzivikela isikrini ukuze Nillkin BlackBerry Q10 esetshenziswa zokwakha zeqophelo eliphezulu ngamandla high, iqinisekisa zalo ezinhle umgoqo izakhiwo. ifilimu Izacile futhi nezimo, ethe njo kalula futhi isuswe, engashiyanga zezibulala.

Kit Incazelo:

  • Le zokuzivikela ifilimu esibukweni
  • Le zokuzivikela ifilimu on ikhamera bese flash
  • indwangu
  • Le filimu pre-ukuhlanza ngothuli
  • ikhadi Plastic sticker ifilimu zokuzivikela
  • Yokusiza ingcina films zokuzivikela nemicengezi stickers

Sula, Crystal Clear — ngokuphelele esobala ifilimu, cishe engabonakali emehlweni. Inhloso yalo iwukuba ukuvikela isihenqo idivayisi benu ekulimaleni ngokomzimba, amafutha uthuli. Inhloso esemqoka Matte Film, Antiglare — nomphumela anti-ukubenyezela, kodwa ngesikhathi esifanayo elondoloza impahla yayo zokuzivikela. surface Its ukukuphulukisa kalula ukunganakwa nge ukuthungwa emnandi.

Sticker zokuzivikela ifilimu — hhayi obangela ezimnandi ngisho onguchwepheshe. Ukuze enze inqubo, kufanele ukhambisane nayo ubuchwepheshe: ukuze alungiselele izimo ezifanele ukusebenzisa uketshezi ekhethekile nekhadi uyisuse. Uma ungazizwa amandla okubhekana nale msebenzi, sicela uxhumane ongoti bethu: Ilebula we ifilimu zokuzivikela esikrinini.

Nillkin ifilimu sigcwalisa ngokuphelele smartphone yakho futhi uyigcine njengoba nje isihenqo ephelele. Ukusebenzisa isesekeli sokuqala for smartphone yakho, wena kumnika isivikelo esingcono futhi ihlala isikhathi eside.

Specifications and properties of the product

  • Quality and function: brand name
  • Materials and fabric: polymer (film)
  • Appearance, image and texture: gloss / Chrome, transparent
  • Product type:
Price:  $22  $9

Babelibiza Nillkin uMvikeli screen isikrini ukuze BlackBerry Q10

Product variants and codes:

  • Matt, Antiglare Q10SCRPROT-NK-AG
  • Sula, Crystal Clear Q10SCRPROT-NK-CC

This product fits the BlackBerry models:

  • BlackBerry Q10