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Brand Desktop Ishaja "ingilazi" Lokhozi nge slot ezengeziwe ibhethri BlackBerry Q10

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Brand Desktop Ishaja "ingilazi" Lokhozi nge slot ezengeziwe ibhethri BlackBerry Q10
Ikhambi ephelele hhayi kuphela ukushaja ifoni yakho, kodwa futhi ukuze ukukhokhisa ibhethri eyengeziwe nokuvumelanisa. design Minimalistic nombala uyisithelo esiyisimanga.

Brand Desktop Ishaja "Glass» Eagle nge slot ezengeziwe ibhethri BlackBerry Q10 ikhambi ephelele hhayi kuphela ukushaja ifoni yakho, kodwa futhi ukuze ukukhokhisa ibhethri eyengeziwe nokuvumelanisa!

Idivayisi yalolu hlobo, ngaphandle kokungabaza, indlela elula kunazo ukukhokhisa smartphone yakho. Futhi, idivayisi ubizwa ngokuthi Ukushaja Pod noma yokushaja, noma Cradle, okungase elihunyushwa ngokuthi "esikhumulweni semikhumbi wayeqamba" noma "imbeleko", eveza injongo yayo.

ishaja Ngokusobala kumele ixhunywe ku samandla (ohlangothini emuva microUSB-isixhumi). Uma usebenzisa i-USB-ikhebula (iyatholakala ku isishuqulu) nge uxhumano PC yakho BlackBerry ayikwazi kuphela icala kodwa futhi ehambisanayo: lokhu kufana uxhumano ngqo usebenzisa USB-ikhebula. Ukukopisha umculo nezithombe, ufake izicelo, yesipele idatha yakho kanye nomsebenzi nge — imemori khadi zonke ongakhetha kule divayisi. Futhi lapho uxhumeke kwi-yamapayipi ishaja, ukushaja kuzokwenzeka.

Phawula isikhala esithe xaxa ibhethri, sebenzisa kube lula ngempela: nje Ukufaka ibhethri bese uqale ukushaja it. Yeka isigayo uyisithelo esiyisimanga!

Ubuso bekhompyutha Ishaja "Glass" for BlackBerry Q10 has a design minimalist: imibala universal Imigqa ehlanzekile umphelelisi ngokuphelele kunoma iyiphi elingaphakathi. Ngokubeka idivayisi smartphone, it sekuqalile ukuba 'imodi yasebusuku "futhi ubonisa iwashi bese unikeza okukhanyisa sezizwakalela phansi.

Specifications and properties of the product

Price:  $42  $10

Brand Desktop Ishaja "ingilazi" Lokhozi nge slot ezengeziwe ibhethri BlackBerry Q10

Product variants and codes:

  • black Q10PODTV-BK
  • white Q10PODTV-WT

This product fits the BlackBerry models:

  • BlackBerry Q10