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Original lesikhumba cala nge clip Isikhumba swivel holster for BlackBerry Q10 / 9983

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Original lesikhumba cala nge clip Isikhumba swivel holster for BlackBerry Q10 / 9983
Lula ukusetshenziswa for umuntu omatasa. ukubukeka Excellent. Usekela magnetic ubuchwepheshe BlackBerry.

Original lesikhumba cala nge clip Isikhumba swivel holster for BlackBerry Q10 futhi P'9983 Porsche Design — iyona isesekeli enokwethenjelwa kakhulu ukuvikela ifoni yakho. It hhayi kuphela ivikela BlackBerry kusukela kunoma iyiphi amathonya ezingezinhle zangaphandle, kodwa futhi ngokuphawulekayo kunciphisa amathuba nesenzakalo — yabo ngenxa clip eyizingqabavu ukuthi kuboshwa ekhoneni, ungakwazi njalo ngokuqiniseka ukugqoka idivayisi nabo, ngaphandle kokuzizwa iyiphi ukungakhululeki.

Ubuhle kulokhu kungenzeka imali energy ibhethri: ngaphakathi kukhona inzwa magnetic ukuthi kubangelwa ngokushesha nje ifoni kwaba ecaleni, ukuhlinzeka isikrini backlight futhi ikhiphedi Ilokhi. ungakhetha ongakhetha ahlukahlukene umsindo of (vibration, ringtone, vibration + melody) Ukuze kube lula isaziso, ngesikhathi esifanayo wamboza smartphone ngokuzenzakalelayo ukusebenzisa lolu hlelo akhethiwe umsindo, futhi ngaphandle kwalo — evamile. Isikhumba Ikesi Isiqeshana swivel holster for Isikhumba A BlackBerry Q10 futhi P'9983 Porsche Design kuyinto of ukubukeka omuhle futhi ukuthungwa emnandi, it ngokuphelele sigcwalisa isitayela sakho.

Leli cala — NFC Friendly, okungukuthi, evumela ukusetshenziswa kobuchwepheshe Near Field Communication ngqo icala.

Khumbula ukuthi ufaka kahle yakho ikhava screen smartphone ngaphakathi, hhayi noHezekeli.

Specifications and properties of the product

  • Quality and function: genuine (authentic)
  • Materials and fabric: genuine leather, plastic, the cloth, steel
  • Appearance, image and texture: plain colored, with large texture
  • Product type:
Price:  $25
Product code: ACC-50879-301 (HDW-50678-001)

Original lesikhumba cala nge clip Isikhumba swivel holster for BlackBerry Q10 / 9983

This product fits the BlackBerry models:

  • BlackBerry Q10
  • BlackBerry 9983