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ikhava Firm plastic, cover, ephelele ne holster Amzer Shellster ShellCase w / holster for BlackBerry Z10

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ikhava Firm plastic, cover, ephelele ne holster Amzer Shellster ShellCase w / holster for BlackBerry Z10
Vikela smartphone yakho ekulimaleni nxazonke! Izacile, ukukhanya, eliphezulu futhi isikhathi eside. design Representative, ukuthungwa emnandi futhi ezingokoqobo.

Case Amzer Shellster ShellCase w / holster for BlackBerry Z10 ivikela ifoni yakho kusuka amademeshe kuzo zonke izinhlangothi! Brand "umsuka" accessory ye oqinisekisa izinga layo futhi ihlala isikhathi eside. I kit kuhlanganisa cover-cover kanye holster eyenziwe ngepulasitiki okuhlala isikhathi eside. Cover-cover ivikela emuva ngaphambili holster ifoni — (ezigugile phansi).

Case-cap lungasetshenziswa njengendlela accessory ye ehlukile, lapho ukufinyelela screen uvuliwe. Kukhona futhi amathuba zonke izakhi tekusebentisa (eziseceleni, ikhamera, izimbobo zomsindo, nokunye. D.). Case otlichetsya esiwusizo iphuzu ukuthungwa: akusoze kube isehlukaniso futhi iminwe, imihuzuko ezincane futhi ngeke kube ebonakalayo. Slim futhi engasindi, asipheli smartphone bulky.

Ingxenye yesibili isetha — — holster iklanyelwe ukuhlangabezana ukucushwa kanye idivayisi amavolumu ebhuthini-lid lufakwa phezulu. Sebenzisa kube lula kakhulu: kwanele ukubeka smartphone in a cover phezu kwe-holster futhi ukwehlisa phansi. On izinhlangothi iphansi kuthiwa kuyanda, ubambe ngokuphepha yocingo holster. On the emuva clip iyatholakala, okuyothi ungakwazi unamathisele ifoni yakho ukuze isikhwama sakho noma ibhande, kuncishiswe amathuba mpophoma beshiya izandla zakho mahhala. Ngenxa design yayo, holster omuhle ivikela ingxenye zintekenteke kakhulu kwesikrini — ifoni. Soft futhi fleecy Indwangu ngaphakathi ukusiza ukuvimbela imihuzuko kanye imihuzuko.

Firm cover plastic, cover, ephelele ne holster Amzer Shellster ShellCase w / holster for BlackBerry Z10 has ngezinga eliphezulu of ukuvikelwa, kodwa lokho akusho engeza okusindayo okungadingekile nobukhulu kudivayisi yakho. It has ukubukeka nesithunzi futhi ukuthungwa emnandi. Different imibala holster uhlale omnyama, bayigubungele ungakhetha ukufanisa noma Ngokuphambene.

Specifications and properties of the product

Price:  $44  $2

ikhava Firm plastic, cover, ephelele ne holster Amzer Shellster ShellCase w / holster for BlackBerry Z10

Product variants and codes:

  • Ikesi holster Black (Black) Z10PLDR+HCASEAM-BK (95376)
  • White Ikesi holster Black (mbala omhlophe) Z10PLDR+HCASEAM-WT (95379)
  • Case Pink ne holster Black (Okuphinki) Z10PLDR+HCASEAM-PN (95380)

This product fits the BlackBerry models:

  • BlackBerry Z10