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Izesekeli kanye izingxenye ezisele BlackBerry Z10

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Amacala kanye screen Abavikeli, amashaja earphone kanye nezinye izesekeli izingxenye ezisele for BlackBerry Z10

Uma ufuna ukuthola uhla yasakazwa kabanzi of izesekeli BlackBerry Z10 — nakanjani ku "InfoResheniya» — izinto ezingaphezu kuka-300, amacala phakathi kwawo, nezinyoni khadi, earphone, kanye namashaja, nokunye, nokunye okuningi! Ayikho imikhawulo! Khetha lokho kulungile kuwe.

Lokhu izesekeli original kanye RIM BlackBerry izesekeli, futhi original accessory ye brand kungase kutholakale efana, Seidio, Case-Mate, BodyGuardz, Monaco, SanDisk, Arkon, iGrip, Sula-Coat, futhi imikhiqizo third-party. Zonke izingxenye kanye izesekeli BlackBerry izinga okusezingeni eliphezulu! Ungahlala uthintane ne ochwepheshe bethu ngaphambi kokuthenga, kanye azijwayeze izimpahla esitolo Sokolniki.

Naphezu kweqiniso lokuthi BlackBerry Z10 divaysi wokuqala ohlelweni lwakwa-BlackBerry 10, idivayisi waphenduka ngokomthetho ephelele, futhi uye wathola trust abathengi. Nokho, uma namanje nezinkinga ezihlukahlukene, ngokwesibonelo, ikhamera uzoyeka ukusebenza noma kulimaze kwesikrini ukuze balungise BlackBerry Z10 uxhumane abazinikele BlackBerry sesevisi yethu. Futhi ungakwazi ukuthenga ingxenye edingekayo, eziboniswe kuleli khasi, uma uhlela ukuba esikhundleni saso kungene yayo. Futhi uma udinga ukudlulisela oxhumana nabo smartphone, ubuyekeze uhlelo lokusebenza, ukufaka izicelo noma ukumisa imeyili — bheka esigabeni on kokumisa services BlackBerry .

Categories of page Izesekeli kanye izingxenye ezisele BlackBerry Z10

Special offers

-44% $25
Buy Stereo earphone we 3.5mm Stereo earphone ngoba BlackBerry (ikhophi)
izinga Sound kuphezulu, ukubukeka kuyinto izakhamuzi zaseBosnia zifana kakhulu kulokho eqale iyikho.
-26% $31
Buy Ishaja yangempela yodonga ekhuphukile yamanje ye-2000mA
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-56% $68
Buy I original ILUNGU LEPHALAMENDE-2100 Portable Mobile Power Ishaja ye BlackBerry
Kulula kakhulu ukusebenzisa format nge ikhebula esakhelwe ngaphakathi! Maximum olunembile icala Inkomba. design Stylish, ukhwaliti original. isisindo Compactness futhi abekiwe umthamo high. nesisekeli esidingekayo kubantu matasa.
-42% $38
Iqukethe yonke izingxenye, kuba yisisombululo turnkey for the replacement. I original Umbala izinhlobo ezahlukene.
-46% $28
I original ingxenye yomzimba: okufanayo isethelwe smartphone ekucaleni. Iqukethe zonke izakhi ezincane. Imihlobo ehlukeneko.
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-67% $24
Indlela enkulu buyisela agugile ikhava bese unike smartphone yakho look fresh. Lena spare okuyingxenye original, ezifana cover Z10 ifakwe emhlanganweni efektri.
-93% $42
Kufaka bonke amakhebuli abalulekile futhi izinkinobho, jack audio, futhi izinzwa bizosti ukukhanyisa, LED-display, isikhulumi, microphone, futhi isixazululo okuphelele ukufakwa. BlackBerry zokukhiqiza, ikhwalithi.
-52% $33
Buy I original L-S1 ibhethri BlackBerry
Ukuze ushintshe ibhethri ngelinye uye zehla phezu BlackBerry Z10 futhi BlackBerry P'9982 Porsche Design, kanye ukunikeza inqolobane replaceable. izinga Original: ibhethri efanayo iza ngomshini wakho. umthamo webhethri 1800 mah.
-92% $95
Buy ibhethri Original ishaja L-S1 ephelele nge Battery Ishaja Bundle ibhethri BlackBerry Z10
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Standard capacity

Buy L-S1 Battery for BlackBerry (ikhophi)
Ukuze ushintshe ibhethri ngelinye uye zehla phezu BlackBerry Z10 futhi P'9982, kanye ukunikeza inqolobane replaceable. ehlukile ezingenziwa ukuze ibhethri original.
-52% $33
Buy I original L-S1 ibhethri BlackBerry
Ukuze ushintshe ibhethri ngelinye uye zehla phezu BlackBerry Z10 futhi BlackBerry P'9982 Porsche Design, kanye ukunikeza inqolobane replaceable. izinga Original: ibhethri efanayo iza ngomshini wakho. umthamo webhethri 1800 mah.

Battery → Extended capacity

Buy Corporate high-umthamo webhethri L-S1, okuyinto akudingi ikhava eyengeziwe Link Dream 2500mAh for BlackBerry
Kuze kube umthamo 20% ephakeme uma eqhathaniswa ibhethri original. ukukhiqizwa Corporate Link Dream.

Charger and its accessories


Headset and its accessories


Media device


Memory card


Cable, adapter or switch




Spare part


Housing and its parts


-42% $38
Iqukethe yonke izingxenye, kuba yisisombululo turnkey for the replacement. I original Umbala izinhlobo ezahlukene.

Spare part → Housing and its parts → Housing parts

Battery (back) cover

-67% $24
Indlela enkulu buyisela agugile ikhava bese unike smartphone yakho look fresh. Lena spare okuyingxenye original, ezifana cover Z10 ifakwe emhlanganweni efektri.

Spare part → Housing and its parts → Housing parts → Bezel

-93% $42
Kufaka bonke amakhebuli abalulekile futhi izinkinobho, jack audio, futhi izinzwa bizosti ukukhanyisa, LED-display, isikhulumi, microphone, futhi isixazululo okuphelele ukufakwa. BlackBerry zokukhiqiza, ikhwalithi.

Spare part → Housing and its parts → Housing parts → Middle part

-46% $28
I original ingxenye yomzimba: okufanayo isethelwe smartphone ekucaleni. Iqukethe zonke izakhi ezincane. Imihlobo ehlukeneko.

Spare part → Housing and its parts → Housing parts → Side and bezel buttons

Buy Side shell izinkinobho BlackBerry Z10
A isethi ephelele izinkinobho Bezel for Z10. izingxenye Original esikhululekile, impela izinkinobho efanayo Z10 ifakwe inhlangano.

Spare part → Camera

Buy ikhamera Front for T19 BlackBerry
ikhamera Front for BlackBerry Passport, Q5, Z30, isinqumo 2MP. izingxenye Original esikhululekile, BlackBerry production.
Buy ikhamera Front for T12 BlackBerry
ikhamera Front for onobuhle inombolo BlackBerry, isibonelo, Q10, Z10, Classic, P'9982 isinqumo 2MP.
The main (bakhulise) ngekhamera BlackBerry Z10. izingxenye ezisele Original.

Spare part → Speaker

Buy Media USomlomo (Isikhulisazwi) T1 for BlackBerry
Media Somlomo, odlala ukuncenceza nezinye umsindo oqhamuka. I original eliphezulu spare.
Buy Media USomlomo (Isikhulisazwi) T11 for BlackBerry
Udlala ukuncenceza nezinye umsindo oqhamuka. I original eliphezulu spare.
Buy izwi USomlomo (isipikha) T9 for BlackBerry
Udlala izwi interlocutor yakho ngesikhathi ingxoxo. I original eliphezulu spare.

Spare part → Audiojack

I liyisici esidingekayo yokuxhuma audiogarnitury 3.5 mm, namanye amadivayisi abezindaba. Kulesi Ingxenye futhi inzwaduze / inzwa yokukhanya futhi idivayisi Ilokhi inkinobho, kanye version AJACK-T13-T1 sihlanganisa izwi isikhulumi uhlobo T9.

Spare part → Microphone

Uphendula ngezwi yokudlulisela kuya komunye party, ngoba BlackBerry Z10 STL100- 2, 3, 4. Lo original izingxenye ezisele.

Spare part → USB connector

Buy USB-isixhumi (seshaja) T3 for BlackBerry
Lona Isixhumi original seshaja USB-ikhebula, efanelekayo BlackBerry onobuhle ezithile.

Spare part → SIM-card connector

Buy Isixhumi SIM khadi (Isixhumi-SIM khadi) T7 for BlackBerry
-SIM khadi izixhumi T7 uhlobo onobuhle ezithile BlackBerry 10, inikeza uxhumano kwi-SIM khadi ka-GSM amanethiwekhi.

Spare part → Memory card slot

Buy Isikhala sememori khadi (sememori khadi) T3 for BlackBerry
Ukuze ufunde microSD — imemori khadi inikeza imemori eyengeziwe yokugcina idatha. Iyahambisana onobuhle eziningana BlackBerry 10.

Spare part → HDMI connector

Buy HDMI T1 jack BlackBerry
multimedia Isixhumi ephezulu definition BlackBerry Z10. izingxenye ezisele Original.

Spare part → Vibro motor

It nokobana umsebenzi isixwayisi sokudlikiza on Smartphones Z10 futhi 9982. The ukuhlela kabusha VIBROM-T1-T1 futhi efakwe chip LED-LED futhi ohlangothini evolumu.

Spare part → Connector or contact parts

Power (battery) connector

Buy Power Isixhumi (ibhethri) T1 for BlackBerry
Izixhumi, okuyinto ixhunywe ngamandla ibattery.