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Izesekeli kanye izingxenye ezisele BlackBerry Z30

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Amacala kanye screen Abavikeli, amashaja earphone kanye nezinye izesekeli izingxenye ezisele for BlackBerry Z30

Sebenzisa BlackBerry Z30 yakho ngempumelelo enkulu futhi komformtom: lokhu kuzokusiza ofanele cover ukusebenza, imemori khadi, ihedisethi ye-, ishaja esinye isibambo emotweni. Bheka izithombe, funda incazelo — ukukhetha okulungile ngawe!

Nakuba Z30 ngokwanele idivayisi onokwethenjelwa ngesikhatsi operation, ungase uhlangane izinkinga ezihlukahlukene, ngokwesibonelo, ikhamera uzoyeka ukusebenza noma kulimaze esibukweni. Ukuze ukulungisa BlackBerry Z30 uthintane inkonzo yethu BlackBerry abazinikele noma ukuthenga izinsimbi olifisayo eziboniswe kuleli khasi. Futhi uma udinga ukudlulisela oxhumana nabo smartphone, ubuyekeze uhlelo lokusebenza, ukufaka izicelo noma ukumisa imeyili — bheka esigabeni on kokumisa services BlackBerry .

Categories of page Izesekeli kanye izingxenye ezisele BlackBerry Z30

Special offers

-44% $25
Buy Stereo earphone we 3.5mm Stereo earphone ngoba BlackBerry (ikhophi)
izinga Sound kuphezulu, ukubukeka kuyinto izakhamuzi zaseBosnia zifana kakhulu kulokho eqale iyikho.
-26% $31
Buy Ishaja yangempela yodonga ekhuphukile yamanje ye-2000mA
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-57% $14
Buy Ikhamera T21 main for BlackBerry Z30
The main (bakhulise) ngekhamera BlackBerry Z30. izingxenye ezisele Original.
-67% $48
I original ingxenye yomzimba: okufanayo isethelwe smartphone ekucaleni. Iqukethe zonke izakhi isixazululo turnkey for ukufakwa. Efanelekayo black and white kuya BlackBerry Z30.
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Buy I original ILUNGU LEPHALAMENDE-2100 Portable Mobile Power Ishaja ye BlackBerry
Kulula kakhulu ukusebenzisa format nge ikhebula esakhelwe ngaphakathi! Maximum olunembile icala Inkomba. design Stylish, ukhwaliti original. isisindo Compactness futhi abekiwe umthamo high. nesisekeli esidingekayo kubantu matasa.
-82% $39
Buy Original film zokuzivikela ukuze esobala isikrini Screen uMvikeli (2 izingcezu) ngoba BlackBerry Z30
Kungase kutholakale inkampani eliphakeme quality BlackBerry. Izacile, isikhathi eside futhi kahle esobala ifilimu ukuvikela isikrini kusuka ekuklwebhekeni nokungcola. Ukusebenzisa sokuqala izinga okusezingeni izesekeli, uhlinzeke ukunakekelwa edingekayo ukuze smartphone yakho futhi baphile isikhathi eside service yayo.
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Buy I-Gen Gen Mono Headset ye-3.5mm ye-Original Mono Headset ye-BlackBerry
I-version ethuthukisiwe ye-classic mono headset nge-ergonomics esezingeni eliphezulu nokucaciswa kobuchwepheshe. Ukuklama nekhwalithi yeBlackBerry.

Protective sticker


For screen

Buy film-glass zokuzivikela screen for BlackBerry Z30
The impahla kanzima, aminyene futhi isikhathi eside kunikeza ukuvikeleka okuhle kakhulu smartphone zintekenteke kakhulu. Ngokunamathisela lesi ifilimu, wena ugaxe isihenqo ngaphansi "ingilazi extra", okuzokwenza sibhekane nazo imihuzuko ngisho ezinzima!
-82% $39
Buy Original film zokuzivikela ukuze esobala isikrini Screen uMvikeli (2 izingcezu) ngoba BlackBerry Z30
Kungase kutholakale inkampani eliphakeme quality BlackBerry. Izacile, isikhathi eside futhi kahle esobala ifilimu ukuvikela isikrini kusuka ekuklwebhekeni nokungcola. Ukusebenzisa sokuqala izinga okusezingeni izesekeli, uhlinzeke ukunakekelwa edingekayo ukuze smartphone yakho futhi baphile isikhathi eside service yayo.



Standard capacity

Buy Phakathi ingxenye bebandla ukuya ngasemnyango Bat-50136-003 ibhethri * I-BlackBerry Z30
Iqukethe zonke izakhi isixazululo turnkey for ukufakwa. Ifanele omnyama ngoba BlackBerry Z30 emhlophe. Ibhethri yasekuqaleni libhekene izinga okusezingeni eliphezulu nokuphila isikhathi eside. 2880 mah, 11 Wh, Li-ion.

Charger and its accessories


Headset and its accessories


Media device


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Cable, adapter or switch


Spare part



Afakwe ikhava original, kuba element isathambe NFC-signal. Original BlackBerry spare.

Spare part → Housing and its parts

Housing parts


Bezel only
Bezel — maphakathi ingxenye izindlu original ngaphandle izinto ezincane. Efanelekayo black and white kuya BlackBerry Z30.

Spare part → Housing and its parts → Housing parts → Battery (back) cover

Indlela enkulu buyisela agugile ikhava bese unike smartphone yakho look fresh. Lena spare okuyingxenye original, cover unikezwa emhlanganweni smartphone efektri.

Spare part → Housing and its parts → Housing parts → Middle part

-67% $48
I original ingxenye yomzimba: okufanayo isethelwe smartphone ekucaleni. Iqukethe zonke izakhi isixazululo turnkey for ukufakwa. Efanelekayo black and white kuya BlackBerry Z30.

Spare part → Housing and its parts → Housing parts → U-cover

Isixazululo turnkey ukushintshwa. BlackBerry zokukhiqiza, ikhwalithi.

Spare part → Housing and its parts → Housing parts → Top-cover

Isixazululo turnkey ukushintshwa. BlackBerry zokukhiqiza, ikhwalithi.

Spare part → Housing and its parts → Housing parts → Side and bezel buttons

Buy Side shell izinkinobho BlackBerry Z30
The izinkinobho ukulawula smartphone asethwe engxenyeni maphakathi yomzimba.

Spare part → Microphone

Uphendula ngezwi yokudlulisela kuya komunye party futhi ulungisa umsindo imvelo. izingxenye ezisele Original.
Lokhu umbhobho a PCB-50118-003 chip oguqula izwi zibe uphawu lukagesi futhi ithumela yona interlocutor yakho. izingxenye ezisele Original.

Spare part → Vibro motor

Buy Vibration motor (isidlidlizi Motor) T5 for BlackBerry
It nokobana umsebenzi isixwayisi sokudlikiza. izingxenye ezisele Original.

Spare part → Speaker

Buy Isilawuli voice (isipikha) T12 for BlackBerry
Udlala izwi interlocutor yakho ngesikhathi ingxoxo. Efanelekayo eziningi BlackBerry tinkhulumo, isibonelo, Priv, Classic, Q10, Z30. I original eliphezulu spare.
Buy Media USomlomo (Isikhulisazwi) T18 for BlackBerry
Media Somlomo, odlala ukuncenceza nezinye umsindo oqhamuka. I original eliphezulu spare.
Buy Media USomlomo (Isikhulisazwi) T17 for BlackBerry
Media Somlomo, odlala ukuncenceza nezinye umsindo oqhamuka. I original eliphezulu spare.
Buy Isilawuli voice (isipikha) T14 for BlackBerry
Udlala izwi interlocutor yakho ngesikhathi ingxoxo. I original eliphezulu spare.

Spare part → Camera

-57% $14
Buy Ikhamera T21 main for BlackBerry Z30
The main (bakhulise) ngekhamera BlackBerry Z30. izingxenye ezisele Original.
The chip, okuyinto luhlanganisa ikhamera BlackBerry Z30 front, ukukhanya ikhamera primary, LED-Inkomba izaziso futhi i-microphone ozikhethela. Original izingxenye ezisele futhi efakwe ebandleni smartphone.
Buy ikhamera Front for T19 BlackBerry
ikhamera Front for BlackBerry Passport, Q5, Z30, isinqumo 2MP. izingxenye Original esikhululekile, BlackBerry production.

Spare part → HDMI connector

Buy HDMI T2 Isixhumi BlackBerry
Yakhelwe isikhombi soxhumanoningi, efanelekayo BlackBerry onobuhle ezithile. izingxenye ezisele Original.

Spare part → SIM-card connector

Buy Isixhumi SIM khadi (Isixhumi-SIM khadi) T6 for BlackBerry
-SIM khadi izixhumi T6 uhlobo BlackBerry Z3, Q5 futhi Z30, inikeza uxhumano kwiSIM khadi ye-GSM.

Spare part → Connector or contact parts

Isixhumanisi phakathi isikhulumi kanye motherboard. izingxenye ezisele Original, ingxenye ephakathi okuyingxenye.
Buy Power Isixhumi (ibhethri) T2 for BlackBerry
Izixhumi, okuyinto ixhunywe ngamandla ibattery. Iyahambisana BlackBerry Passport, Z30, Q5.

Spare part → PCB or integrated circuit

Of sensors

It luhlanganisa chip, kuhlanganise inzwaduze kanye nokukhanya, okulalelwayo jack and inkinobho namandla. izingxenye ezisele Original.

