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Isikrini LCD + touch-screen (isikrini) e umhlangano BlackBerry Classic

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Isikrini LCD + touch-screen (isikrini) e umhlangano BlackBerry Classic
okufushane isikrini esithintwayo ngoba BlackBerry Classic ngaphandle kwesisekelo bese usetha izakhi libe lincane. Quality BlackBerry, izingxenye zokuqala sokuphumula.

Lokhu umhlangano screen ngokuthinta isikrini ukuze BlackBerry Classic — okufushane Screen LCD + touch screen (isikrini) + base kwenhlangano ukuze BlackBerry Classic ngaphandle kwesisekelo bawubeka izakhi ezincane.

Lokhu wesibuko BlackBerry Classic kuhlanganisa:

  • Isikrini (bonisa)
  • isikrini sokuthinta
  • Izintambo kanye nezixhumanisi
Isikrini BlackBerry — esinye sezici ezibalulekile BlackBerry smartphone, futhi, ngeshwa, asikwazi kwalungisa uma amaphutha. Uma iskrini sakho BlackBerry ngobugebengu noma egcwele kokupholisayo ukuthi akasabeli touch (ayisebenzi noma ayisebenzi kahle isikrini sokuthinta), noma nje "ikalishi" (isibonelo, ikhombisa izindawo anemibala noma isithombe omhlophe), ingxenye idinga ukushintshwa: Screen Ukubuyiselwa ne umhlangano touch screen.

usayizi wesibuko BlackBerry Classic:

  • Uhlobo LCD IPS
  • Umbala (inombolo umbala phezu kwezigidi ezingu-16)
  • Ovundlile 3.5 amayintshi
  • Ukulungiswa 720 × 720 Amaphikseli
  • Aspect ratio 1: 1
  • I kwabantu of 292 Amaphikseli intshi ngayinye

Lena esikhululekile okuyingxenye yokuqala, iskrini enjalo efakwe kule inhlangano yabantwana bakwa-smartphone. Qaphela, emakethe ukusabalala isikrini amakhophi okubonisa ongaphakeme quality Yakha, umbala abampofu, nika umehluko ongaphakeme, isinqumo ongaphakeme, zingabantu lincane yasekuqaleni. Musa skimp esikrinini, ngoba usebenza naye ngaso sonke isikhathi!

Specifications and properties of the product

Price:  $44

Isikrini LCD + touch-screen (isikrini) e umhlangano BlackBerry Classic

Product variants and codes:

  • black CSSLCD-BK
  • emhlophe CSSLCD-WT

This product fits the BlackBerry models:

  • BlackBerry Classic