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Isixhumi main ekamelweni BlackBerry DTEK60

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Isixhumi main ekamelweni BlackBerry DTEK60
"Umlamuleli" phakathi ikhamera bese umzali DTEK60 smartphone ebhodini.

Ukuxazulula izinkinga ngekhamera BlackBerry DTEK60 kudingeka nithole imbangela ngokubukeka kwabo, okungenzeka yohlelo, ekamelweni uqobo, noma isixhumi yayo.

Bheka futhi: T30 ikhamera esiyinhloko BlackBerry DTEK60.

Isixhumi ekamelweni main liyisici encane yokuxhuma ekamelweni ne umbadlana. It has a sebuningini contact imilenze uma ezilimele, kufanele esikhundleni isixhumi — ukubona inkonzo Ukukhipha i-Isixhumi Camera.

Lena esikhululekile okuyingxenye yokuqala.

Specifications and properties of the product

Price:  $33
Product code: DT60CAMCON

Isixhumi main ekamelweni BlackBerry DTEK60

This product fits the BlackBerry models:

  • BlackBerry DTEK60