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Ama-sens sensation nokukhanya, i-LED yeBlackBerry KEY2 LE

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Ama-sens sensation nokukhanya, i-LED yeBlackBerry KEY2 LE
Ukudidiyela i-microcircuit kuBlackBerry KEY2 LE, kufaka phakathi izinzwa eziseduze nezikhanyayo kanye ne-LED-inkomba. Ingxenye yokuqala yokuphumula.

Ukuhlanganisa i-microcircuit ku-BlackBerry KEY2 LE, kufaka phakathi izinzwa eziseduze nokukhanyisa ne-LED-inkomba. Ingxenye yokuqala yokuphumula.

Uma umsebenzi wezinzwa ungaphumeleli, kungase kube nezinkinga ngokuzilungisa ngokuzenzakalelayo ukukhanya kweskrini sokukhanyisa okukhulu, ukukhanya kwekhibhodi, futhi idivayisi ingavimbela isikrini sokuthinta ngesikhathi socingo, okungabangela izinkinobho zendlebe zicindezela ngesikhathi socingo. Kulesi simo, isidingo sokususa le chip.

Futhi kule chip kufakwe i-LED-inkomba, okudingekayo isaziso sombala uma imilayezo ifika.

Funda kabanzi mayelana nensizakalo yokushintshwa kwensizwa yekhasi ekhasini Ukubuyiselwa kwe-sensor ukusondela futhi ukukhanya kuma.

Specifications and properties of the product

Price:  $58
Product code: K2LESENSORSPCB

Ama-sens sensation nokukhanya, i-LED yeBlackBerry KEY2 LE

This product fits the BlackBerry models:

  • BlackBerry KEY2 LE