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Izesekeli nezingxenye zokungcebeleka zeBlackBerry KEY2

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Shop for I-smartphone ye-BlackBerry KEY2

Ibuyekezwe smartphone yekhibhodi

Kuqhubeka i-BlackBerry KEYone enezincazelo ezithuthukisiwe. Izici KEY2 BBF100-1: Ikhadi elilodwa le-SIM, imemori engu-64 GB yokugcina.

Shop for I-smartphone ye-BlackBerry KEY2:

Kuleli khasi i-— zonke izingxenye ezisele kanye nezesekeli zeBlackBerry KEY2. Uma uneBlackBerry KEY2 LE, bheka ikhasi elihlukile .

Sinezingxenye zonke zezingxenye zeBlackBerry KEY2: izikrini kanye nezikrini zokuthinta, izikhibhodi, amabhodi wamabhodi, izembozo zebhethri, amabhethri (amandla amabhethri). Izingxenye zangempela. Ukuthunyelwa emhlabeni jikelele.

Okufanele ubheke:

  • I-BlackBerry KEY2 inesibuko esikhulu, ngokuvikelwa esincoma ukuthi sinamathele ifilimu evikelayo, futhi uthenge icala elithembekile
  • Ibhetri eliphakeme eliphezulu ludinga ishaja ephezulu yamanje

Categories of page Izesekeli nezingxenye zokungcebeleka zeBlackBerry KEY2

Special offers

-68% $19
Buy Umvikeli weskrini usula i-BlackBerry KEY2
Ifilimu ye-classic ebonakalayo izovikela ngokuqiniseka isikrini se-smartphone yakho kusuka emanxebeni nasekuthungeni.
-24% $116
Buy Isikrini se-LCD + isikrini sokuthinta i-BlackBerry KEY2
Isikrini enhlanganweni enekhredithi yokuthinta. Ukhiqizwa ingxenye yokuqala ye-BlackBerry —.
-34% $89
Isetshenziswe ku-BlackBerry KEY2 ukufaka nokubamba kokubili i-SIM khadi nememori khadi ku-slot. Ukuphumula kwangempela, ukukhiqizwa kweBlackBerry.
-16% $115
Buy I-T35 enkulu yekhamera eyi-T35 yeBlackBerry KEY2
Ikhamera yesibili (yangemuva) yeBlackBerry KEY2. Ingxenye yokuqala yokuphumula.
-44% $25
Buy Stereo earphone we 3.5mm Stereo earphone ngoba BlackBerry (ikhophi)
izinga Sound kuphezulu, ukubukeka kuyinto izakhamuzi zaseBosnia zifana kakhulu kulokho eqale iyikho.
-43% $21
Buy Original Data-ikhebula le-USB DT Type C BlackBerry
Lokhu ikhebula iza nazo BlackBerry DTEK60. Efanelekayo wonke amadivaysi nge esakhelwe in Uhlobo USB C. Ubude ikhebula ka 1 m.
-26% $31
Buy Ishaja yangempela yodonga ekhuphukile yamanje ye-2000mA
Ishaja ephathekayo ye-QC10UK (QC13UK) ine-2A yamanje futhi ikuvumela ukuthi ukhokhise amadivayisi wesimanje ngokushesha.
-77% $53
Buy I-Gen Gen Mono Headset ye-3.5mm ye-Original Mono Headset ye-BlackBerry
I-version ethuthukisiwe ye-classic mono headset nge-ergonomics esezingeni eliphezulu nokucaciswa kobuchwepheshe. Ukuklama nekhwalithi yeBlackBerry.

Protective sticker


For screen


-68% $19
Buy Umvikeli weskrini usula i-BlackBerry KEY2
Ifilimu ye-classic ebonakalayo izovikela ngokuqiniseka isikrini se-smartphone yakho kusuka emanxebeni nasekuthungeni.

Case and its accessories


Horizontal filp case

Ikhava elihle futhi elisebenzayo leBlackBerry KEY2 elinesici esengeziwe sokuvikelwa kwesikrini.

Case and its accessories → Snap-on case

I-IMAK isembozo esincane futhi esincane futhi isikhumba esihle sokuthungwa.

Case and its accessories → Silicone case

Buy Ikhamera ye-IMAK ye-Carbon Silicone ye-BlackBerry KEY2
Icala le-silicone elincane elinomklamo owodwa!



Standard capacity

Buy Ibhethri yangempela TLp035B1 yeBlackBerry KEY2
Ikhwalithi ephezulu nokuphila kwesikhathi eside. 3500 mAh.

Spare part


Screen (Display)

-24% $116
Buy Isikrini se-LCD + isikrini sokuthinta i-BlackBerry KEY2
Isikrini enhlanganweni enekhredithi yokuthinta. Ukhiqizwa ingxenye yokuqala ye-BlackBerry —.

Spare part → Housing and its parts

Housing parts


Buy Iphaneli elingezansi ngesiphakamiso nama-antenna BlackBerry KEY2
Kufaka isikhulumi semidiya. Ukukhiqizwa kweBlackBerry, isiqinisekiso sekhwalithi.

Spare part → Housing and its parts → Housing parts → Battery (back) cover

Buy Isembozo sangemuva sangempela seBlackBerry KEY2
Ukukhiqizwa kweBlackBerry, ikhwalithi yangempela.

Spare part → Speaker

Buy Ifoni yefoni (iSpophonephone) T25 yeBlackBerry KEY2
Iveza izwi le-interlocutor yakho phakathi kwengxoxo. Izingxenye zekhwalithi zangempela eziphezulu.

Spare part → Camera

Buy Ikhamera yangaphambili T36 yeBlackBerry KEY2 / KEY2 LE
Ikhamera yangaphambili isinqumo se-MPi 8. Ingxenye yokuqala yokuphumula.
-16% $115
Buy I-T35 enkulu yekhamera eyi-T35 yeBlackBerry KEY2
Ikhamera yesibili (yangemuva) yeBlackBerry KEY2. Ingxenye yokuqala yokuphumula.

Spare part → PCB or integrated circuit


Ribbon cable

Buy Ikhebula le-Mainboard ye-BlackBerry KEY2
Ikhebula elixhuma i-motherboard ne-USB chip ye-smartphone KEY2.

Spare part → SIM-card holder

-34% $89
Isetshenziswe ku-BlackBerry KEY2 ukufaka nokubamba kokubili i-SIM khadi nememori khadi ku-slot. Ukuphumula kwangempela, ukukhiqizwa kweBlackBerry.

Headset and its accessories


Memory card


Media device


Charger and its accessories


Cable, adapter or switch


