Izesekeli nezingxenye zokuphumula ze-BlackBerry Motion
Abavikeli, izembozo, amashaja nezinye izesekeli kanye nezingxenye zokuphumula ze-BlackBerry Motion
Ukuhlomisa i-smartphone yakho ngezesekeli eziwusizo, bhekisa kwimikhiqizo kuleli khasi futhi uzothola konke okudingayo. Ngaphandle kwezingxenyekazi, sinikeza izingxenye ezisele zeBlackBerry Motion, njengezikrini kanye nezikrini zokuthinta, amabhodi wamabhodi, amabhethri. Izingxenye zokungcebeleka ziyisisekelo, siye sazibonakalisa njengomthengisi onokwethenjelwa emhlabeni wonke, kuhlanganise namazwe aseMelika, iYurophu, i-Indonesia ne-Australia.
Jabulela ikhathalogu nokuzuza okuphumelelayo!
Categories of page Izesekeli nezingxenye zokuphumula ze-BlackBerry Motion
Special offers
Protective sticker
()For screen
↑$17 |
Protective sticker → For screen → Protective tempered glass
↑$8 |
$7 |
Case and its accessories
()Silicone case
↑$16 |
()Standard capacity
↑$73 |
Spare part
()Housing and its parts
Housing parts
↑$17 |
Spare part → Housing and its parts → Housing parts → Battery (back) cover
Spare part → Antenna
↑Spare part → Speaker
↑$27 |
Spare part → Camera
↑$33 |
$89 |
Spare part → Microphone
↑$28 |
Spare part → USB connector
↑$64 |
Spare part → Screen in assembly
Spare part → PCB or integrated circuit
Audio PCB
↑$47 |
Spare part → PCB or integrated circuit → Integrating
Ribbon cable
↑$59 |
Spare part → PCB or integrated circuit → Motherboard
Spare part → SIM-card holder