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Izesekeli kanye izingxenye ezisele BlackBerry P'9982 Porsche Design

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Izesekeli kanye izingxenye ezisele BlackBerry P'9982 Porsche Design

Sikulethela wena nesembozo futhi screen Abavikeli, amashaja earphone kanye nezinye izesekeli izingxenye ezisele for BlackBerry P'9982 Porsche Design. Bheka izithombe, funda incazelo — ukukhetha okulungile ngawe!

BlackBerry P'9982 Porsche Design — version elite BlackBerry Z10 smartphone, onezici lobuchwepheshe ezifanayo netimphawu design esiyingqayizivele Porsche, ne Kusetjentiswa kwetinsita eqolo futhi eliphezulu. Yingakho kubalulekile kangaka ukuba alondoloze ukubonakala idivayisi, nokuvikela smartphone umonakalo ngumuntu cover kanye ifilimu zokuzivikela esibukweni. Libuye izesekeli esisemqoka nale modeli basesimweni ishaja emotweni, ishaja bese uyawuvula-earphone we-.

Ukuze ukulungisa BlackBerry 9982 thina predlyagaem ikhamera, izikrini, izikhulumi, izixhumi kanye izixhumi ehlukahlukene. Ukuze ukulungisa BlackBerry P'9982 Porsche Design , sicela uthintane abazinikele BlackBerry sesevisi yethu. Futhi uma udinga ukudlulisa a brand new othintana smartphone, ubuyekeze uhlelo lakho lokusebenza, ukufaka izicelo noma ukumisa imeyili — bheka esigabeni on kokumisa services BlackBerry .

Categories of page Izesekeli kanye izingxenye ezisele BlackBerry P'9982 Porsche Design

Special offers

-44% $25
Buy Stereo earphone we 3.5mm Stereo earphone ngoba BlackBerry (ikhophi)
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-80% $330
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Buy L-S1 Battery for BlackBerry (ikhophi)
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Ukuze ushintshe ibhethri ngelinye uye zehla phezu BlackBerry Z10 futhi BlackBerry P'9982 Porsche Design, kanye ukunikeza inqolobane replaceable. izinga Original: ibhethri efanayo iza ngomshini wakho. umthamo webhethri 1800 mah.
-13% $75
Buy I original L-S1 ibhethri BlackBerry P
Battery for BlackBerry P'9982 Porsche Design ihlukile standard Battery L-S1 design olwehlukanisa kuphela Porsche. Likhono 1800 mah.

Charger and its accessories


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Screen in assembly

-80% $330
Buy Screen LCD + touch screen (isikrini) kwenhlangano ukuze BlackBerry P
Isixazululo turnkey for ukufakwa. Zonke izesekeli original, ebandleni: LCD screen, screen touch, Uhlaka screen, anezikhala Dynamics.

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Housing parts

Middle part

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-64% $39
Buy Ikhamera BlackBerry P
Melenko Le nto ezenziwe ngengilazi, onikeza transparency ikhamera bese flash, futhi Yebo, a, ukubukeka ekhethekile ezikhangayo. Quality BlackBerry, Design Porsche.

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I liyisici esidingekayo yokuxhuma audiogarnitury 3.5 mm, namanye amadivayisi abezindaba. Kulesi Ingxenye futhi inzwaduze / inzwa yokukhanya futhi idivayisi Ilokhi inkinobho, kanye version AJACK-T13-T1 sihlanganisa izwi isikhulumi uhlobo T9.

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Buy ikhamera Front for T19 BlackBerry
ikhamera Front for BlackBerry Passport, Q5, Z30, isinqumo 2MP. izingxenye Original esikhululekile, BlackBerry production.
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ikhamera Front for onobuhle inombolo BlackBerry, isibonelo, Q10, Z10, Classic, P'9982 isinqumo 2MP.
The main (bakhulise) ngekhamera BlackBerry Z10. izingxenye ezisele Original.

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Uphendula ngezwi yokudlulisela kuya komunye party, ngoba BlackBerry Z10 STL100- 2, 3, 4. Lo original izingxenye ezisele.
Buy I-microphone (Microphone) T1 for BlackBerry
Uphendula ngezwi yokudlulisela kuya komunye party, ngoba eziningi BlackBerry tinkhulumo. izingxenye ezisele Original.

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Lona Isixhumi original seshaja USB-ikhebula, efanelekayo BlackBerry onobuhle ezithile.

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Buy Isixhumi SIM khadi (Isixhumi-SIM khadi) T7 for BlackBerry
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Spare part → Memory card slot

Buy Isikhala sememori khadi (sememori khadi) T3 for BlackBerry
Ukuze ufunde microSD — imemori khadi inikeza imemori eyengeziwe yokugcina idatha. Iyahambisana onobuhle eziningana BlackBerry 10.

Spare part → Vibro motor

It nokobana umsebenzi isixwayisi sokudlikiza on Smartphones Z10 futhi 9982. The ukuhlela kabusha VIBROM-T1-T1 futhi efakwe chip LED-LED futhi ohlangothini evolumu.