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ikhibhodi isixhumi ngoba BlackBerry Passport

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ikhibhodi isixhumi ngoba BlackBerry Passport
elementi Small exhumanisa ikhibhodi umbadlana. BlackBerry ukukhiqizwa, ikhwalithi.

On BlackBerry Passport futhi BlackBerry Passport Isiliva Edtion efakwe ikhibhodi kuyinkimbinkimbi ehlanganisa isici inzwa, chip kanye ikhibhodi yayo kwasemuva. Kanti kwezinye izimo, esikhundleni kwekhibhodi, ngisho inhlangano, akusho ukuxazulula izinkinga. kungenzeka lilimele isixhumi esisogwini umbadlana — le spare okuyingxenye.

Isixhumi ikhibhodi BlackBerry Passport liyisici encane yokuxhuma ikhibhodi umbadlana. It has a sebuningini contact imilenze uma ezilimele, kufanele esikhundleni isixhumi — ukubona inkonzo Ukukhipha i-isixhumi ikhibhodi.

Lena esikhululekile okuyingxenye yokuqala.

Specifications and properties of the product

Price:  $6
Product code: PSSKEYBCON

ikhibhodi isixhumi ngoba BlackBerry Passport

This product fits the BlackBerry models:

  • BlackBerry Passport Silver Edition SQW100-4
  • BlackBerry Passport