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Original lesikhumba cala nge clip Isikhumba swivel holster for BlackBerry Passport

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Original lesikhumba cala nge clip Isikhumba swivel holster for BlackBerry Passport
Premium-cover kusuka BlackBerry. Lena akuyona nje isesekeli onokwethenjelwa futhi kulula ukuyisebenzisa isimo amalungelo esethole kanye kuwuphawu zizwakale kahle.
Premium-cover kusuka BlackBerry. Lena akuyona nje isesekeli onokwethenjelwa futhi kulula ukuyisebenzisa isimo amalungelo esethole kanye kuwuphawu zizwakale kahle.

Isikhumba Ikesi Isiqeshana swivel holster for Isikhumba A BlackBerry Passport kuyinto of ukubukeka omuhle futhi ukuthungwa emnandi lesikhumba. In the nendawo lekhava ibekwe BlackBerry logo metal, — bakhulise okuthembekile 360 ​​° ligijima Bopha ibhande clip for axube Bopha ibhande yakho. Thunga azungeze azungezwe cover, kuyasiza ukuba bandise nokuphila service.

Case asivikele umonakalo, hhayi nje umzimba smartphone, kodwa screen yayo.

Isikhumba swivel holster kuhlanganisa ukonga amandla webhethri umsebenzi: ngaphakathi kukhona inzwa magnetic ukuthi kubangelwa ngokushesha nje ifoni kwaba ecaleni, ukuhlinzeka isikrini backlight futhi ikhiphedi Ilokhi. ungakhetha ongakhetha ahlukahlukene umsindo of (vibration, ringtone, vibration + melody) Ukuze kube lula isaziso, ngesikhathi esifanayo wamboza smartphone ngokuzenzakalelayo ukusebenzisa lolu hlelo akhethiwe umsindo, futhi ngaphandle kwalo — evamile.

Khumbula ukuthi ufaka kahle yakho ikhava screen smartphone ngaphakathi, hhayi noHezekeli.

Original BlackBerry — ikhwalithi yokukhiqizwa isiqinisekiso.

Specifications and properties of the product

  • Quality and function: genuine (authentic)
  • Materials and fabric: genuine leather, plastic, the cloth
  • Appearance, image and texture: plain colored, with large texture
  • Product type:
Price:  $185
Product code: ACC-60757-001

Original lesikhumba cala nge clip Isikhumba swivel holster for BlackBerry Passport

This product fits the BlackBerry models:

  • BlackBerry Passport Silver Edition SQW100-4
  • BlackBerry Passport