Izesekeli Izingxenye for BlackBerry Passport
Amacala, amashaja kubakaki nezinye izesekeli izingxenye ezisele for BlackBerry Passport
Bheka futhi: Izesekeli kanye izingxenye ezisele for BlackBerry Passport Isiliva-Edishini
"Masthev" -Accessories salokhu smartphone elikhethekile enkulu screen isikwele ikhibhodi ezintsha nge esakhelwe inzwa ifilimu zokuzivikela esikrinini, icala bewathwele-earphone. Okokuqala okubili ukunikeza isivikelo egcwele idivayisi yakho kusukela izici zangaphandle, futhi headset ikuvumela ukukhuluma Passport edonsa ekhukhwini lakhe, futhi-hands-free. Abashayeli futhi bancoma ukuthi uthenga ishaja emotweni.
BlackBerry Passport has a ibhethri capacious kakhulu, isikhathi sakhe esiningi kakhulu ishaja, ngakho lapho ekhetha look for the amperage okukhipha, okuthandayo futhi abona kudingekile ukuba akunike ishaja yangempela.
Passport Nokho futhi oluphakeme kudivayisi okuthembekile, ungase uhlangabezane nezinkinga ezihlukahlukene, ngokwesibonelo, ikhamera zizoma ukusebenza, ikhibhodi, noma kulimaze esibukweni. Kulokhu, siphakamisa ukuthi ukuthenga ezihlukahlukene izingxenye kanye izingxenye ukukhanda Passport BlackBerry . Futhi uma udinga ukudlulisela brand new oxhumana smartphone, ubuyekeze uhlelo lakho lokusebenza, faka izinhlelo zokusebenza noma ukumisa — ikheli le-imeyili ukuze BlackBerry Isevisi yokusetha !
Utshalomali yimpumelelo kakhulu ku ukufakwa iyunithi ikhibhodi Russian. Ngemva BlackBerry — lena thuluzi ukuze uthayiphe umbhalo ngokushesha, ngokunembile futhi kahle!
Categories of page Izesekeli Izingxenye for BlackBerry Passport
Special offers
Protective sticker
()For screen
Protective sticker → For screen → Anti-glare (matte)
Protective sticker → For screen → Protective tempered glass
↑$29 |
Case and its accessories
() ↑$22 |
Charger and its accessories
()Headset and its accessories
()Media device
()Memory card
()Cable, adapter or switch
()Spare part
()Substrate or keypad PCB
Substrate only
↑$6 |
Spare part → Screen frame
↑$10 |
Spare part → Screen in assembly
↑$48 |
Spare part → Main keypad
English keypad
Keypad in assembly
↑$34 |
Spare part → Main keypad → Main keypad PCB
↑$26 |
Spare part → Main keypad → Russian keypad
Spare part → Housing and its parts
Housing parts
Side and bezel buttons
↑$8 |
$8 |
$5 |
Spare part → Housing and its parts → Housing parts → Camera panel
↑$23 |
Spare part → Housing and its parts → Housing parts → Battery (back) cover
↑$60 |
Spare part → Housing and its parts → Housing parts → U-cover
↑$17 |
$11 |
Spare part → Housing and its parts → Housing parts → Top-cover
↑$8 |
Spare part → Housing and its parts → Housing parts → Bezel
↑$8 |
$23 |
Spare part → Connector or contact parts
↑$8 |
$10 |
$6 |
$23 |
$8 |
Spare part → SIM-card connector
↑$9 |
Spare part → Camera
$13 |
Spare part → Speaker
↑$20 |
$10 |
Spare part → Vibro motor
↑$6 |
Spare part → Audiojack
↑$14 |
Spare part → Memory card slot
↑$9 |
Spare part → PCB or integrated circuit
Audio PCB
↑$4 |
Spare part → PCB or integrated circuit → Of sensors
↑$11 |
Spare part → PCB or integrated circuit → Motherboard