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Izincwajana zemininingwane usuke futhi control evolumu for BlackBerry Priv

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Izincwajana zemininingwane usuke futhi control evolumu for BlackBerry Priv
Flex ogibele ingxenye maphakathi yomzimba, kuhlanganise inkinobho amandla, ikhefu, control ivolumu.

Flex Phakathi izingxenye zomzimba ne chip ikhibhodi eziseceleni isitimela BlackBerry Priv ogibele ohlangothini emuva kuhlanganisa:

  • The on / inani elisele ku-
  • isilawuli Volume izinkinobho ikhefu
  • Isixhumi uxhumano kwi-motherboard

Flex itholakala ngaphansi battery kanye Priv smartphone ngokuvamile kabana by wokulungisa engiwenzayo.

BlackBerry production.

Specifications and properties of the product

Price:  $17
Product code: PRBUTFLEX (PCB-60619-005)

Izincwajana zemininingwane usuke futhi control evolumu for BlackBerry Priv

This product fits the BlackBerry models:

  • BlackBerry Priv