LCD screen for BlackBerry Z3
original isikrini BlackBerry Z3 — smartphone ingxenye ukuthi ubonisa ulwazi. Washayela ukubonisa (ukubonisa), kusukela English "isibonisi".
Screen BlackBerry — esinye sezici ezibalulekile BlackBerry smartphone, futhi, ngeshwa, asikwazi lilungiswe uma kwenzeka iphutha. Uma wakho esikrinini BlackBerry uqhekeko, noma wagcwala liquid, noma nje "yenkinga" futhi imibukiso amakhaladi amabala noma umfanekiso elimhlophe, owukuphela kungenzeka ikhambi — ukuphindisela LCD screen. Ukuze uthole ukwaziswa okwengeziwe mayelana lilungisa screen ungakwazi ukufunda ekhasini Ukubuyiselwa LCD Screen.
Screen Izici BlackBerry Z3:
- Uhlobo LCD IPS
- Color (Inombolo color phezu 16 million)
- Diagonal 5 amasentimitha
- Resolution 540 × 960 pixels
- I-aspect ratio 9:16
- I pixel kwabantu 220 ye-intshi ngayinye
LCD (okucaciswe luketshezi) — iyona LCD noma okucaciswe luketshezi flat, ngokusekelwe zinhlayiya liquid. LCD IPS (In-plane Imigodlagodla) — uhlobo okucaciswe luketshezi, esebenzisa i matrix esebenzayo nge kwelungiselelo elikhethekile amakristalu. Le screen kunezinzuzo eziphawulekayo phezu ezivamile TFT-matrix, esihlinzeka ngokushesha Ukusabela isikhathi, ema-engele wokubuka umnyuziki nokukhanya high and Ngokuphambene.
Lena spare okuyingxenye original, a screen enjalo efakwe ebandleni smartphone. Qaphela, emakethe ukusabalala screen amakhophi ezibonisa ukhwaliti ongaphakeme build, umbala abampofu, nika umehluko ongaphakeme, lesinqumo ongaphakeme, mancane ukwedlula original. Musa skimp esibukweni, ngoba usebenza naye ngaso sonke isikhathi!
Specifications and properties of the product
- Quality and function: genuine (authentic)
- Materials and fabric: glass
- Product type: Spare part → Screen (Display)
Product code: Z3LCD
This product fits the BlackBerry models: