Side lwamapulangwe yezinkinobho BlackBerry 8300 / 8310/8320
Side panel e 8300/8310/8320 emelelwa zingxeenye amabili matte rubberized futhi izinkinobho ecwebezelayo umbala "metallic". Bakha iluphu (ring) smartphone anqume nokuhlanzeka yayo kanye elikhangayo jikelele.
Ngenxa indawo kanye nokusetshenziswa asebenzayo, panel ngokuvamile ziba engenamsebenzi: bangamenze athole wadweba — izinkinobho aqhephukile ngopende. Ngezinye izikhathi okhiye balahlekile futhi konke lokho kuvama uphiko functional. Sinikeza original side panel 8300 iqoqo izingxenye ezimbili, nazo zonke izinkinobho ezidingekayo futhi cutouts etindzaweni letifanele nje kuphela. — Original kusho ukuthi basuke akhiqizwa BlackBerry, kukhona ezifanayo umbala kanye nosayizi kuya "bomdabu" of the phone. Ukukhipha panel ezintsha, uyobe ngokushesha ubone ukuthi siguqulwe BlackBerry yakho!
Specifications and properties of the product
- Quality and function: genuine (authentic)
- Materials and fabric: plastic, silicone (rubber)
- Appearance, image and texture: plain colored, matte
- Product type: Spare part → Housing and its parts → Housing parts → Bezel → Bezel only
Price: $8
Product code: 8300BEZEL
This product fits the BlackBerry models: