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The maphakathi ingxenye original icala c GPS BlackBerry 8300 / 8310/8320 Ijika

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The maphakathi ingxenye original icala c GPS BlackBerry 8300 / 8310/8320 Ijika
Liqukethe zonke izici ezincane, balungele ukufakwa. BlackBerry production.

Ingxenye maphakathi yomzimba original iqukethe wonke izakhi ezincane, balungele ukufakwa. Kuyinto ingxenye maphakathi embhalweni wokuqala: okufanayo isethelwe smartphone ekucaleni.

Nakani! maphakathi uhlobo incike model smartphone. Ngoba 8310 suit 8300MID-GPS, 8320 — 8300MID-WiFi, ngokuba 8300 futhi 8330 — iyiphi. Uma unokungabaza, abonisane ne uchwepheshe wethu.

Phakathi the 8300MID * efakwe:

Efanelekayo BlackBerry 8300 / 8310/8320/8330 of yonke imibala.

Ukukhipha ingxenye maphakathi umzimba wenziwa ukuvuselela ukubukeka, zalezo zinkinga nesikhulumi noma ezinye izingxenye edidiyelwe kuwo. Enze on-site for Amaminithi ayi-10-30: Ukukhipha maphakathi sikebhe.

Specifications and properties of the product

Price:  $20

The maphakathi ingxenye original icala c GPS BlackBerry 8300 / 8310/8320 Ijika

Product variants and codes:

  • Black, ne-Wi-Fi 8300MID-WIFI (PCB-14792-005)
  • Black, c GPS 8300MID-GPS (PCB-14792-005)

8300MID-GPS this product fits the BlackBerry models:

  • BlackBerry 8330
  • BlackBerry 8310
  • BlackBerry 8300

8300MID-WIFI this product fits the BlackBerry models:

  • BlackBerry 8330
  • BlackBerry 8320
  • BlackBerry 8300