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Case Corporate ruggedized Case-Mate Hybrid for BlackBerry 8900 Ijika

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Case Corporate ruggedized Case-Mate Hybrid for BlackBerry 8900 Ijika
Quality brand icala izingxenye ezimbili nge design esiyingqayizivele. Esiwusizo futhi enokwethenjelwa — akasoze anenzela phansi! Kuhlanganisa screen umvikeli.

Quality brand icala izingxenye ezimbili nge design esiyingqayizivele. Siqukethe abicah mat izisekelo, phezu okuyinto wagqoka esiqinile plastic uhlaka ukuthungwa dot. Inhlanganisela Silicone + plastic inikeza isivikelo kakhulu umonakalo uma kwehla. Ukuze uvikeleke screen ifilimu lifakwa ngokukhethekile ngenxa BlackBerry 8900 model, ikhumbula ubukhulu bayo.

Ukusebenzisa cover Kulula kakhulu ukugqoka kanye nje. Ngaphambili okuyingxenye ukufinyelela okugcwele izinkinobho babe ezinengilazi ekhethekile futhi port — stub. Lokhu kwenzeka akuyona nje ewusizo ngomsebenzi, kodwa futhi ezisebenzayo kakhulu, kuze kube nemininingwane emincane.

Hybrid — izesekeli ovela Case-Mate, kokuba omuhle hhayi kuphela zokuzivikela, kodwa sihlonishwa nangabantu abayikho ngaphandle. Umbala wengxenye elingaphandle iso — nice graphite grey — kuhlangene ngokuphumelelayo base black. Ukuklanywa is kwahambisana izinto ezikhethekile: a ezingokoqobo surface ukuthungwa, logo kanye namafomu ezitimela agcizelela zonke izinzuzo imodeli 8900 Curve. Izinto ukuqinisekisa ukuqina nokuphepha uhlobo naletfuleke isikhathi eside, Kulokhu akasoze anenzela phansi!

Specifications and properties of the product

  • Quality and function: premium, brand name, case bundle includes protective sticker
  • Materials and fabric: plastic, silicone (rubber)
  • Appearance, image and texture: plain colored, raised parts, matte
  • Product type:
Price:  $14
Product code: CM010166

Case Corporate ruggedized Case-Mate Hybrid for BlackBerry 8900 Ijika

This product fits the BlackBerry models:

  • BlackBerry 8900