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Ingxenye izindlu Top-cover for BlackBerry 9520 / Storm2 9550

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Ingxenye izindlu Top-cover for BlackBerry 9520 / Storm2 9550
Esikhundleni swe noma wadweba phezulu-cover nse entsha! Original izinga BlackBerry: nse phezulu-cover unamathele usebe ngesikhathi inhlangano yabantwana bakwa ifoni entsha efektri.

Ngezinye izikhathi ngisho kancane bakhathale ingxenye kungonakalisa wonke look. Enye yezinto izingxenye ngokweyame amathonya — top-cover, okuyinto ogibele phezulu usebe. Uma it is emibi noma bakhathele, wena unethuba lokuba esikhundleni salo ncamashi entsha efanayo! Original izinga BlackBerry: nse phezulu-cover unamathele usebe ngesikhathi inhlangano yabantwana bakwa ifoni entsha efektri.

Spare okuyingxenye iyahambisana kokubili models, futhi kufanelekile ukuba 9520, futhi 9550.

Specifications and properties of the product

Price:  $6
Product code: 9520TOP-COVER (PCB-23866-001)

Ingxenye izindlu Top-cover for BlackBerry 9520 / Storm2 9550

This product fits the BlackBerry models:

  • BlackBerry 9550
  • BlackBerry 9520