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Case Corporate ruggedized Incipio Silicrylic for BlackBerry 9520 / Storm2 9550

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Case Corporate ruggedized Incipio Silicrylic for BlackBerry 9520 / Storm2 9550
The esiphezulu accessory ye esiwusizo, azwakale kamtoti! Le filimu zokuzivikela kuqedile.

Case Corporate ruggedized Incipio Silicrylic for BlackBerry 9520 / Storm2 9550 zizokwazi ukuthi zinike BlackBerry wakho ukuvikeleka esiphezulu ngokumelene imihuzuko, imihuzuko, uhlevane ekwindla. Case siqukethe izingxenye ezimbili zokuphepha: aminyene abicah base kungathambisa igalelo ekwindla, okuyinto esigqokwa phezu luhlaka lepulasitiki umthelela ukumelana. ekuvikeleni Ngokugcwele ebusweni ezingemuva ifoni, icala ushiya vula front ingxenye, njengoba kwakunjalo imigodi USB nezimbobo audio, ikhamera.

Naphezu kweqiniso esiphezulu ukuphepha level, Incipio Silicrylic cover aluzifuneli besiyoba sikhulu futhi ngeke wenze idivayisi yakho besiyoba sikhulu kakhulu. It has njalo kwemicabango efanele design: eziqinile, ngenhloso nice matte ukuthungwa futhi inkampani logo encane ezansi. Case Corporate ruggedized Incipio Silicrylic for BlackBerry 9520 / 9550 Storm2 — iyona isesekeli esiwusizo kakhulu, abakhethiweyo ukunambitheka.

Complete nge cover kuyinto esobala ifilimu zokuzivikela for the screen.

Specifications and properties of the product

  • Quality and function: brand name, case bundle includes protective sticker
  • Materials and fabric: plastic, silicone (rubber)
  • Appearance, image and texture: plain colored, matte
  • Product type:
Price:  $3
Product code: BB-825

Case Corporate ruggedized Incipio Silicrylic for BlackBerry 9520 / Storm2 9550

This product fits the BlackBerry models:

  • BlackBerry 9550
  • BlackBerry 9520