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Corporate Exclusive Isikhumba Ikesi holster Verizon Shell / holster Combo for BlackBerry 9520 / Storm2 9550

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Corporate Exclusive Isikhumba Ikesi holster Verizon Shell / holster Combo for BlackBerry 9520 / Storm2 9550
isethi Great super-premium-— Case Cover + holster Verizon sika. okuqotho. It kwanelisa izimfuno aphakeme kakhulu, njengoba ihlanganisa eyigeza, ukhwaliti brand zokwakha kanye bewumsebenzi, usizo futhi ihlala isikhathi eside. Verizon Shell / holster Combo — labo asetshenziselwa ukuba akhethe best!

isethi Omkhulu we Verizon sika super-premium BlackBerry 9520 / 9550 Storm2! It kwanelisa izimfuno aphakeme kakhulu, njengoba ihlanganisa eyigeza, ukhwaliti brand zokwakha kanye bewumsebenzi, usizo futhi ihlala isikhathi eside. Verizon Shell / holster Combo — accessory ye kulabo asetshenziselwa ngubani ukukhetha okuhle kakhulu!

The kit siqukethe cover-ikhava bese holster esenziwe besenze nesitayela esifanako. Uma sizigqoke ngesikhathi esifanayo, baba umphelelisi nomunye futhi abukeka ngendlela eyodwa. Kubonakala setha lemukelekako futhi kuyabiza.

  • Cover-cap — accessory ye mncane futhi engasindi ukuthi lungasetshenziswa ngokuzimela. Kwamanzi elingaphandle wenziwe okuqotho, ngaphakathi — tkan.Chehol obucayi kanye nato tonkhe izici Storm2, has cutouts ngoba namachweba akhona futhi izinkinobho, abaningi uvalwe kudivayisi. Sebenza nge-smartphone yakho uhlala ajwayelekile. Cover inhlanganisela ezahlukene esiqinile yemvelo isikhumba ukuthungwa kanye nentaba ecwebezelayo.
  • I holster yenzelwe ngqo efonini yakho ebhuthini. Ungashiyi yinoma yiliphi ithuba ukwenza kulimaze isikrini ngoba ihlanganiswa ngokuphelele (smartphone nasikhwama somphako, nazingubo kufanelana ngaphakathi esibukweni). Idivayisi is ngokuphepha aphethwe sibonga okunamathiselwe ekhethekile esinqeni ezinhlangothini. Ingxenye ezingemuva elingaphandle clip holster esivumelana ngazo ungakwazi unamathisele futhi athwale. Holster ezigqokekayo kulula: nje beka ifoni isikhwama kusukela phezulu bese uphonsa phansi. Ingxenye engaphandle ye kuyafana ukuthi cover, wenza ngokuphelele okuqotho, ngaphakathi uphahlwe Indwangu.

Ngoba umuntu ibhizinisi le set kuyoba ukhululekile kakhulu ukulusebenzisa ilula futhi iyashesha aphendule izingcingo bese ugcine iso ezintweni ezenzekayo. Isesekeli ubukeka ubunzima ngisho phakathi kwezicukuthwane.

Specifications and properties of the product

Price:  $60  $23
Product code: 9550HOCL-VER (RIM9550HOCL)

Corporate Exclusive Isikhumba Ikesi holster Verizon Shell / holster Combo for BlackBerry 9520 / Storm2 9550

This product fits the BlackBerry models:

  • BlackBerry 9550
  • BlackBerry 9520