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Umnikazi e iGrip eNtabeni Holder Car for BlackBerry 9700 / 9780 Bold

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Umnikazi e iGrip eNtabeni Holder Car for BlackBerry 9700 / 9780 Bold
It has a unique, multi-function imbeleko. It ikuvumela ukuba usebenzise BlackBerry yakho elula kunazo kwazo nemigwaqo emibi. ukubukeka stylish, ikhwalithi German ukuqina, ukusebenza omuhle.

Umnikazi e iGrip eNtabeni Holder Car for BlackBerry 9700 / 9780 Bold ezikuvumela ukuba usebenzise BlackBerry yakho elula kunazo, futhi ngesikhathi esifanayo iyoshiya izandla zakho mahhala, okuyinto ebaluleke kakhulu ngokulandela dorogi.Teper ungasebenzisa smartphone yakho njengoba itilosi, kanye ulalele umculo noma ukuxoxa on the wocingo, ngiyabonga onokwethenjelwa futhi elula kuya umklamo umnini.

Isikhombi imbeleko design wenziwa kucatshangelwa 9700/9780 kanye sifana cover-cover: it has cutouts for ikhamera bese flash, ushiya ukuvula namachweba, futhi ibuye ifakwe ukuma fold-out on the back! Ngenxa yalokhu: uyokwazi ukujabulela zonke izici smartphone yakho bese ukuthatha smartphone nge ilungelo imbeleko, imbeleko nendlu eyayisetshenziswa njengeHholo Ikesi Stand kuphi. Kuhle kokusho ukuthi ukucushwa eyingqayizivele sombuso futhi inikeza i ekahle fit uhlelo, ukubuqeda ngokuphelele vibration, ukufuduka kanye imihuzuko.

Heavy umlenze womlilo, ekwandiseni kwehle inikeza ukuzinza eyengeziwe. Umnikazi unamathele evikelekile ukuncela inkomishi ne isinyathelo. Isikhundla smartphone customizable: ungakhetha orientation mpo noma enezingqimba, futhi ulungise engela kwesondo.

car Corporate esinye isibambo iGrip PerfektFit Traveler Kit iNtaba & Holder for BlackBerry — a ukubukeka stylish, high ukuqina, ukusebenza omuhle. esinye isibambo okunjalo sigcwalisa ngokuphelele Bluetooth--earphone we-, ndawonye bayophanga ithole nekhambi turnkey for smartphone emotweni. Ukhethe kahle abantu ngokuvamile emgwaqweni.

Specifications and properties of the product

Price:  $10
Product code: 9700GHOLD

Umnikazi e iGrip eNtabeni Holder Car for BlackBerry 9700 / 9780 Bold

This product fits the BlackBerry models:

  • BlackBerry 9780
  • BlackBerry 9700