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Ishaja esihlanganisiwe seBridi Seidio Multi-Function Charge M-S1 yeBlackBerry

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Ishaja esihlanganisiwe seBridi Seidio Multi-Function Charge M-S1 yeBlackBerry
Umngane omangalisayo womsebenzisi webhizinisi kanye nomhambi ohamba njalo! Kuye uyohlale uxhumana nebhethri eligcwele ngokugcwele! Ikhwalithi yeBrith Seidio.

Ishaja ehlanganisiwe yeBridi Seidio Multi-Function for BlackBerry 9700 / 9780 — ungumngane omangalisayo ebhizinisini kanye nomhambi ohamba njalo! Kuye uyohlale uxhumana nebhethri eligcwele ngokugcwele! Into ebalulekile kumnikazi webhethri eyengeziwe.

Ikhamera ihlanganisa:

  • ukushaja isisekelo
  • ukuma kokushaja ibhetri
  • Ikhebula le-Usb
  • njengoba idivayisi ingaphandle, futhi ipulagi kulo lihlobo lwama-US, siyakuqedela ngokuligcwalisa nge-Euro-adapter yezingodo zaseRussia

Ngosizo lwe-Seidio Multi-Function Chaja ungashaja ibhethri kuphela, kodwa futhi ibhethri enefoni ngesikhathi esisodwa:

  • faka umnikazi webhethri kwisisekelo sokushaja, faka ibhethri
  • xhuma lokhu kulelo shicilelo
  • Ukusebenzisa ikhebula elinikeziwe, xhuma i-smartphone kwisitoreji se-USB sesisekelo sokushaja
  • isilungile!

Umkhiqizi wegama lomkhiqizo ovela enkampanini yaseJapan Seidio uqinisekisa ukuklanywa okumele, ukuphepha nekhwalithi. Idivayisi ilinganiselwe, ilula futhi ihlanganiswe kahle, ifanelekile ukuthatha nawe.

Specifications and properties of the product

Price:  $105  $7
Product code: BD3-BCSI3BBX5B-BK

Ishaja esihlanganisiwe seBridi Seidio Multi-Function Charge M-S1 yeBlackBerry

This product fits the BlackBerry models:

  • BlackBerry 9780
  • BlackBerry 9700
  • BlackBerry 9000