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Firm plastic cover Speck SeeThru Case + holster ngoba BlackBerry 9700 / 9780 Bold

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Firm plastic cover Speck SeeThru Case + holster ngoba BlackBerry 9700 / 9780 Bold
Londoloza zonke wangaphandle izinga BlackBerry 9700 yakho / 9780, enezela yena ukuthungwa interesting kuphela futhi ukukhanya umbala Smoky. Senziwa holster stylistically obunobunye, kulula kakhulu ukusebenzisa futhi enokwethenjelwa.

Firm plastic cover Speck SeeThru Case + holster ngoba BlackBerry 9700 / 9780 Bold esikhiphekayo Bopha ibhande clip — liyisivikelo esingenakuqhathaniswa!

Luhlala Isikhathi Eside, kodwa mncane futhi ukukhanya cover impahla inikeza isivikelo esihle kakhulu efonini yakho evela ezingezinhle namathonya zangaphandle, hhayi kokunezela kulo ivolumu ngokweqile nesisindo. Ngenxa yokuthi ukuthi icala akuyona nje nomzimba omncane, kodwa futhi Semi-esobala, it azigcina zonke izinga wangaphandle BlackBerry 9700 yakho / 9780, enezela yena ukuthungwa interesting kuphela futhi ukukhanya umbala Smoky. ekuvikeleni Ngokugcwele ebusweni ezingemuva futhi amagumbi smartphone, icala ushiya vula front okuyingxenye (ikhibhodi, screen), njengoba kwakunjalo imigodi USB nezimbobo audio, ikhamera. Linikeza ukufinyelela okusheshayo futhi ukhululekile ukuba izingxenye ifoni yakho, udinga ukuba umsebenzi evumela ukuba sisisebenzise ngendlela evamile.

Qedela cover kuyinto holster esikhiphekayo phezu ibhande, lapho ivikela isikrini ngokuphelele, futhi ngeke kakhulu ukunciphisa ingozi yokuhlaselwa khona owayo noma ezinye izingozi. Ngalo, ungakwazi njalo baphathe nawe BlackBerry wakho zingakaze zibe yisiphi isiphazamiso: bamane unamathisele isiqeshana Bopha ibhande yakho, isikhwama noma ephaketheni. I holster yenziwe ikhumbula ubukhulu kudivayisi isikhwama. Mobility nezindlela ezihlukahlukene zokusisebenzisa kwenza Speck SeeThru Case for BlackBerry 9700 / 9780 Bold isethi bonke izikhathi: kuye ngesimo, ungasebenzisa icala eyedwa noma inhlanganisela ngenhloso — holster Kunoma yikuphi, kubonakala amahle futhi stylistically obunobunye.

Specifications and properties of the product

Price:  $86  $16
Product code: 9700SEESM (BB9700-SEE-SM)

Firm plastic cover Speck SeeThru Case + holster ngoba BlackBerry 9700 / 9780 Bold

This product fits the BlackBerry models:

  • BlackBerry 9780
  • BlackBerry 9700