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Exclusive ikhava-bag for BlackBerry

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Exclusive ikhava-bag for BlackBerry
Ngoba stylish kakhulu futhi imfashini! wayibhinca Khipha wawuhlanganisa.

Exclusive ikhava-bag for BlackBerry for stylish and imfashini! Vikela ngokugcwele ifoni imihuzuko, ukungcola, ukushaqeka.

Isikhwama senziwa ngesimo imbobo evundlile isikhwama, okuyinto design elula kakhulu, ngokuphephile kokulahla smartphone. Ngaphakathi the case uphahlwe indwangu ethambile, kuvimbela ukubonakala imihuzuko kanye imihuzuko, futhi ibuye ithambisa igalelo ekwindla. Senziwa wayibhinca detachable, stylistically bokuzwana isembozo.

Imfashini cover design sigcwalisa ngokuphelele smart phone yakho, futhi akungabazeki ukuthi ngeke ube maphakathi ukunakwa!

Specifications and properties of the product

Price:  $45  $5

Exclusive ikhava-bag for BlackBerry

Product variants and codes:

  • "Style" BOLS-E-S
  • "York" BOLS-E-YK

This product fits the BlackBerry models:

  • BlackBerry 9105
  • BlackBerry 9100
  • BlackBerry 8130
  • BlackBerry 8120
  • BlackBerry 8110
  • BlackBerry 8100