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Original Isikhumba Case Bag Isikhumba Ikhasi for BlackBerry 9800 / 9810 Torch

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Original Isikhumba Case Bag Isikhumba Ikhasi for BlackBerry 9800 / 9810 Torch
Isesekeli eklanyelwe ukubamba wena bencoma nhla! Ummeleli, kanye nazo zonke izimo BlackBerry, futhi ngesikhathi esifanayo engavamile, kusukela ifomu factor futhi kokuqeda imininingwane. An inhlanganisela emangalisayo sokuhlonishwa futhi eyinqaba, icala ngeke kukhanye up nsuku kubo bonke labo bakhathele okukhulu ngokweqile! wayibhinca Khipha wawuhlanganisa.

Isikhumba Folio — accessory ye eklanyelwe ukubamba wena bencoma nhla! Ummeleli, kanye nazo zonke izimo BlackBerry, futhi ngesikhathi esifanayo engavamile, kusukela ifomu factor futhi kokuqeda imininingwane.

Ifomu Factor izikhwama ovundlile — omunye ukucupha kakhulu umsebenzisi-friendly futhi kuyaqondakala: bamane flip lid bese ubeka smartphone ngaphakathi. ihlanganisa ngokugcwele smartphone, enokwethenjelwa evikela it. Senziwa esikhiphekayo wayibhinca brand BlackBerry, okungaba kalula futhi ngokuphephile ogibele le khava.

It has a function magnetic: kuboshwa esibukweni, ukuhlinzeka abalulekile izindleko imali nebhethri ekubeni ngephutha agxishiwe. izimpawu ezihlukahlukene ingakhethwa lula isixwayiso: one — ngoba ifoni isikhwama, omunye — ngaphandle kwesembozo.

Isikhumba Folio has a design obunobunye kakhulu lapho bonke kwenzakala efanele. Solid big okusanhlamvu okuqotho ngemibala zakudala ngokuphumelelayo "alulaze" the uthunge egqamile kanye logo. I ngaphakathi kwesembozo kanye wayibhinca senziwa ukwaziswa okufanayo bright, okwenza ukubukeka isesekeli kuphela kwemicabango ephelele. An inhlanganisela emangalisayo sokuhlonishwa futhi eyinqaba, icala ngeke kukhanye up nsuku kubo bonke labo bakhathele eqinile ngokweqile ebhizinisini isitayela.

Lokho akupheleli the Isikhumba magic Ikhasi has a kwalokho esisebenzayo ingaphakathi — isibuko esincane, okuyinto uyohlale kutholakale kalula! Uyothola ngokushesha siqonde indlela elula kuba, ngoba manje awukwazi bheka esibukweni noma ebusweni lembhali isikhwama ngaphandle ukubheka kafushane, isibonelo, ngaphambi umhlangano obalulekile :)

Specifications and properties of the product

Price:  $56  $19

Original Isikhumba Case Bag Isikhumba Ikhasi for BlackBerry 9800 / 9810 Torch

Product variants and codes:

  • Black / Pink (Black w / Pink Accent) ASY-31014-001
  • White / Pink (White w / Pink Accent) ASY-31014-002

This product fits the BlackBerry models:

  • BlackBerry 9810
  • BlackBerry 9800
  • BlackBerry 9550
  • BlackBerry 9530
  • BlackBerry 9520
  • BlackBerry 9500