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Amandla Isixhumi (ibhethri) T10 ngoba BlackBerry DTEK60

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Amandla Isixhumi (ibhethri) T10 ngoba BlackBerry DTEK60
Isetshenziselwa ukuxhuma ibhethri non-esikhiphekayo ku BlackBerry DTEK60. izingxenye Original esikhululekile, BlackBerry ukukhiqizwa.

T10 isixhumi isetshenziswa ukuxhuma ibhethri non-esikhiphekayo ku BlackBerry DTEK60 (Lasekuqaleni TLp030F2 Ibhethri BlackBerry DTEK60). Ukuqhuma (soldered) ngqo umbadlana zedivayisi.

Lapho ukwehluleka isixhumi (ngokuvamile umthelela ngokomzimba, ngaphansi — ukugqwala) kufanele kuthathelwe indawo. T10 uhlobo okuxhumanisayo soldered kuya umbadlana, ngakho sicela uxhumane abagunyaziwe isikhungo sethu ukuba benze lo msebenzi. Funda kabanzi ku-ikhasi Ukubuyiselwa amandla Isixhumi supply (battery).

izingxenye Original esikhululekile, BlackBerry ukukhiqizwa.

Specifications and properties of the product

Price:  $36
Product code: BATCON-T10

Amandla Isixhumi (ibhethri) T10 ngoba BlackBerry DTEK60

This product fits the BlackBerry models:

  • BlackBerry DTEK60