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电源连接器(电池)为T2 BlackBerry

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电源连接器(电池)为T2 BlackBerry
所述的连接器,其通过从电池电源装置连接起来。兼容BlackBerry Passport,Z30,Q5。


T2连接器用于连接不可拆卸电池,例如,BAT-50136-003为BlackBerry Z30和BAT-58107-003为BlackBerry Passport。


Specifications and properties of the product

Price:  $8
Product code: BATCON-T2

电源连接器(电池)为T2 BlackBerry

This product fits the BlackBerry models:

  • BlackBerry Z30
  • BlackBerry Q5
  • BlackBerry Passport Silver Edition SQW100-4
  • BlackBerry Passport