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I-T9 Ikhamera BlackBerry
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I-T9 Ikhamera BlackBerry
Ikhamera BlackBerry Series 8300 Curve. izingxenye ezisele Original.
Ikhamera BlackBerry. izingxenye ezisele Original.
I-T9 ikhamera has isinqumo 2MP futhi Kuphendula isinqumo 1600 × 1200. Autofocus ayitholakali.
Endabeni ukwehluleka kwekhamera okukhipha (shock, umswakama, umonakalo kagesi) isithombe uqala "iflothi", kukhona imigoqo, isehlukaniso, noma umsebenzi ngokudubula uwonke itholakala. Isinqumo sokuba ufake linye ikhamera ngokuthi "ukukhanda" akunakwenzeka esimweni iningi. Ukuze uthole ukwaziswa okwengeziwe mayelana ikhamera iyokhandwa, sicela uvakashele ikhasi BlackBerry Ukubuyiselwa ekamelweni main.
Specifications and properties of the product
- Quality and function: genuine (authentic)
- Product type: Spare part → Camera
Product code: CAMERA-T9
![]() This product fits the BlackBerry models: