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Lens ikhamera Special Effects Jelly Lens for BlackBerry
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Lens ikhamera Special Effects Jelly Lens for BlackBerry
Ogibele phezulu BlackBerry ikhamera bese ikuvumela ukudala ezenziwe. Fisheye, vignetting.
Lens Jelly Lens, ogibele smartphone ikhamera BlackBerry, ikuvumela ukudala nomphumela ekhethekile ekhethekile, futhi sicela wena nge izithombe ezithakazelisayo.
Le divayisi encane Kulula ukusebenzisa ikhamera uma uludinga, futhi kalula kungenziwa zisuswe ngaphandle kokushiya yimuphi izigxivizo zeminwe. Ukuze kube lula, i-lens has a lace, lapho ufuna ukugqoka nge kweqembu izikhiye. Ukuze lens ukunwaya umkhiqizi uye walungiselela kukhava zokuzivikela.
Jelly lens lens ukunikeza imiphumela:
- Fisheye, «Fish Eye» — laziwe kubo bonke nomphumela, lapho ngemuva kubonakale kwalokho. empeleni
- Vignetting, «Vignette» — kubonakala ngesimo ukugqama anda isabelo central ifreyimu maqondana emagumbini alo
Funda kabanzi mayelana nemiphumela ungakwazi ukufunda, isibonelo, Wikipedia.
Specifications and properties of the product
- Quality and function: manufacturer unknown
- Materials and fabric: plastic, silicone (rubber)
- Appearance, image and texture: two or more colors
- Product type: Universal accessory → Lens for camera
Product variants and codes:
This product fits the BlackBerry models: