Izesekeli nezingxenye zokungcebeleka zeBlackBerry → Izesekeli for BlackBerry kanye nezinye Smartphones inhloso jikelele →
Indwangu ukuhlanza 11h17 ifoni
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Indwangu ukuhlanza 11h17 ifoni
Excellent kususa noma ikuphi ukungcoliswa, enakekela smartphone yakho.
Indwangu ukuze bahlanze ubukhulu 11 × 17 cm. Perfect hhayi kuphela BlackBerry, kodwa nangenxa yanoma imaphi amanye ubuchwepheshe. Made of impahla ekhethekile, iqinisekisa yokuhlanza obucayi ephumelelayo. Efanelekayo ususe noma imaphi ukungcola samuntu owomile, noma nge uketshezi ekhethekile.
imibala Two etholakalayo, bheka isithombe.
Specifications and properties of the product
- Quality and function: brand name
- Materials and fabric: the cloth
- Appearance, image and texture: plain colored
- Product type: Tools → For cleaning → Napkin
![]() Product variants and codes:
This product fits the BlackBerry models: