Original Mono-earphone 3.5mm Mono Bud earphone for BlackBerry
Original Mono-earphone 3.5mm Mono Bud earphone for BlackBerry izosebenzisa BlackBerry yakho zalokhu esiphezulu. Mono headset-earphone we, kuba idivayisi emangalisayo ezanele umuntu omatasa: kulula kakhulu ukuthola izingcingo, lokhu headset kwesokunxele khulula hhayi kuphela izingalo, kodwa futhi endlebeni yesibili, ngakho awukwazi "ziphume" kwezemvelo kanye nokuqapha lesi simo ( lokhu kubaluleke kakhulu uma, ngokwesibonelo, ukhuluma ocingweni ngenkathi ushayela).
Headset has a zakudala simise ngehedfoni ne imiphetho rubberized. Ukuze kube lula, headset ifakwe umbhobho esakhelwe ngaphakathi, ethatha inkinobho ye vula / vala ubize mini-clip for axube sezintambo. Original Mono-earphone 3.5mm Mono Bud earphone — luyimfanelo umsindo kanye nokusetshenziswa zikhululekile.
Mono-earphone — ekahle ingxoxo, kodwa ukulalela umculo kufanele ukhethe i-hedsethi stereo.
Specifications and properties of the product
- Quality and function: genuine (authentic)
- Materials and fabric: plastic, silicone (rubber)
- Product type: Headset and its accessories → Wired → 3.5" headset → Mono
Product code: HDW-12420-003
![]() This product fits the BlackBerry models: